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Twitter Drama



tags: #dogpile #deplatform #unperson #trump #censor

The decisions by Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and others to suspend and/or block President Trump’s communications via their platforms is a simple exercise of their rights, under the First Amendment and Section 230, to curate their sites. We support those rights. Nevertheless, we are always concerned when platforms take on the role of censors, which is why we continue to call on them to apply a human rights framework to those decisions. We also note that those same platforms have chosen, for years, to privilege some speakers—particularly governmental officials—over others, not just in the U.S., but in other countries as well.

also: The deplatforming of a president: An unprecedented week for the tech industry

also: /R/DonaldTrump Banned from Reddit

also: Permanent suspension of @realDonaldTrump

also: Trump tweets from POTUS handle account taken down almost immediately

also: Trumps email campaign service has suspended him

There hasn't been any Trump emails for more than 48 hours. Almost unheard of -- he sent 33 in the first six days of Jan; 2,500+ last year. (h/t @TrumpEmail)

At least one of the services the team used, @CampaignMonitor , has suspended Trump's access, the company confirmed.

He's chasing all the email blasters for 'do you have any trump accounts"

> Interesting that their excuse is basically: "They weren't using us
> that much, so we don't see the problem."

ooo author comments:

>  As the tweets say, I've only confirmed that one provider of many
>  has pulled the plug. I'm looking into the others.
>  https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25697628