SnafuHall is a Virtualized, Disorganized, Unincorporated, Schismatic Temple of Eris.

Our mission is not to cause Chaos. We but observe, document, and celebrate it. The opportunity to be present in this world, at this time, is the greatest gift imaginable. the absurdity of the Human condition is such that we easily forget that fact. The joy of our existence passes us by, when all we truly need to do is look anywhere around us to see something beautiful, something delightful, something fun. Often, we simply choose not to do so.

The Daily News

We collect links to some of the things we've seen on the internet. No endorsement or credence is implied by the inclusion of anything. Read the disclaimer: 90% of everything is horse shit.

A daily schedule allows for small enough granularity for easy searching. It discourages "doomscrolling". We are not a complete source of news nutrition, but a daily visit to the cesspool to see what fun forms dominate the surface today.

The news archives begin with 2021-01-09. The Jan6 Journal is the "prequel" to the daily news posts, I watched the News coverage of the Jan6 riots and just had to record some of the spew for posterity. It beame a habit and then I decided to publish, with hopes it could be useful to others.

Contact us

Comments, complaints, and other communications can be sent to dragon [at]

Donations gratefully accepted via paypal with the "Donate" link at the top of every page.