Like many, I watched the "historic events of January 6th 2021" from the comfort of my chair. Sipping from the firehose of bullshit the Internet delivers to us. Far from the reality of events. I eagerly read the splashy news coverage and the comments spewed forth in several public discussion forums.

The smell of focused propaganda was strong immediately. Watching the big news outlets sing the same harmony. They was telling identical, detailed stories about events.

I felt the same sick dread that other such events have given me before. 9/11. OKC. Waco. Times when the news was managed for the benefit of the moment, and the detriment of society.

When the stories came apart hours or days later and there was no acknowledgment or pause in the charge to Judgment I felt the need to start recording some of the coverage.

It took me a couple days to decide on a consistent format, and filter out what might be publishable. My news archives are the result. They begin with 2021-01-09

The previous few days observations and quotes are less regular and more mixed with personal observations. This is lightly edited pulls from my personal journals, beginning a New Years 2021. (substantively)


  • Scientist says Mayan calendar predicts end of the world this week

    "Following the Julian Calendar, we are technically in 2012 ... The number of days lost in a year due to the shift into Gregorian Calendar is 11 days ... For 268 years using the Gregorian Calendar (1752-2020) times 11 days = 2,948 days. 2,948 days / 365 days (per year) = 8 years", scientist Paolo Tagaloguin tweeted last week, according to the Sun. The series of tweets has since been deleted.


      $ date --date='dec 21 2012 +2948day'
      Sat 16 Jan 2021 12:00:00 AM CST
    • my wisecrack: "That's just 4 days before Joe Biden's Inauguration"

    • on the day of 2021-01-16

      thats not as funny as it was 6 months ago.

      if the world ended this morning, no one seems to have remarked on it yet.


last year, it was, i got "16 jan 2021" for the mayan apocalypse date, today im going "eeep".

so, do i feel imminent threat? Ive got worries on news but that all hype. Rhe's not picking any up either.


  • bitcoin $31k...

  • I read someone's post the other day about how the left's political moves lately are all showing the signs of classic "face" based thinking. it was pretty persuasive, and of course we've been seeing the open hand of china in our media for a bit too. so its not unreasonable that that kind of politics is on the upswing.

    the things like attacks on RMS etc are part of it is a thought

  • 3.30p, news: pelosi and mcconnel's houses were vandalized with "we want our money" messages, severed pigs head left at pelosi's house. somebody'll swing for that, the riots were one thing, it was all ok then; but these kids arent gonna be allowed to do shit like that... or it was ordered ala the bloomberg "vandalism".

  • Personal: I'm mumbling to myself about what amounts to an itch to publish; I'd shut down my web site the previous October. No longer felt safe after online pressure and the universal announcements (including my service provider at the time) that they wouldn't tolerate "hate speech" where that included questions about the orthodox narratives. The information environment around the "Hunter Biden laptop" story was rank then, too.


  • bitcoin $35k...

  • news is speculating that nashville guy popped the first improvised thermobaric weapon in the US. they're saying it was all contained in the truck tho. ive got doubts. I see all the above ground as likely secondary.

  • they're noting that pelosi's house got grafitti's in an easy to repaint way. someone taped off the brickwork.

  • "Chinese billionaire Jack Ma suspected missing"

  • they opened the 117th congressional session with a prayer, which finished with "Amen and Awomen"... i thought it was a joke the first two times i read it


  • UK court decided not to extradite Julian Assange. Solely on mental health apparently

  • These people deny they're followers of a God who demands they suspend their judgement in favor of this nebulous herd consensus. They're showing many of the cult signs and were years ago but now there's no avoiding the blow off.

  • "Outcry as 'bean dad' forces hungry child to open tin can"

  • from one of matt stoller's readers,

    there really is a need for the government (seeing as the industry won't ever do it) putting in place some sort of design standardization of certain key components to appliances.

    Refrigerator/freezser compressors--there really shouldn't be but three or four on the market. Gas valves for stoves--one, maybe 2.

    There just isn't that much new in the design or manufacture of most of the key components in appliances, near as me the non-engineer can tell, and reducing the inventory costs and manufacturing costs by lengthening production runs - well, that's how things are supposed to work in efficient markets. Right?

    • whee... anti-monoploy authoritarian collectivism! The soviets didn't give it a "real" try, we'll bring american innovation and management expertise to it!
  • 8p; the "jack ma is missing" story keeps getting wiped off HN; some threads with hundres of comments, even.


  • "Proud Boys Leader Arrested In Washington Ahead Of Wednesday Protest Rally"

  • NYSE is refusing to delist chineese companies trump issued an Exec Order about; reporting on that is sketchy with reversals and "mistakes" being propagated. The right wing media is assuring everytin that its happening, the left that it wont. NYSE said no.

  • 7p, GA election deciding control of the senate should be finishing soon

    Update (2030ET): With 45% having reported, the elections are tilting significantly towards both Democratic Party candidates

  • 9.45p, someone found and tweeted a storage container on H and 9th in DC, theres 24t 2x4 and 2x6 piled outside it, there's two padlocked, unlabeled yellow cages. one with 16x 20lb propane bottles in each. the other is another one or two rows of same, and who knows what in the 20ft container. this is dropped on the street in a parking spot with no sign of a construction site or anything in the area...

    • Having stand heaters for the crowd sounds like a great idea, actually; i wonder if thats what these are.
  • GA:

    Update (2240ET): With 90% having reported, the election projections show no chance of Loeffler winning and Perdue's odds fading fast, despite a very significant raw vote count lead for both Republicans...

  • "Massive crackdown in Hong Kong" as well.

  • One of the Georgia dems just had his wife's police video shown a week ago; "They just elected a black supremacist wife beater to the Senate."

  • and of course they're halting coutning in democrat stronghold counties and 60% to 25% of their votes uncounted yet; so news orgs are calling "90% chance of D victory" etc..

  • there's the same adjustments of totals and graphs with shap bumps and stuff...

  • HK:

    More than 50 Hong Kong pro-democracy politicians were arrested on Wednesday morning in the biggest operation by far since the national security law was enacted last June,

    • Dr Dre's annyerism and Amazon's purchase of planes get more heavy coverage in american press.


  • 9a; GA senate races are not fully counted; but called and victories claimed and new stories already circulating about how any challenges are based on fantasies. Chuck Schumer is talking about all the things democrats can do with control of the house and senate; now that he's leading them.

  • Someone broadcast a warning that a plane would be run into the capitol on Wednesday, in vengencae for Solemani, the iranian generall the USA offed last year. Broadcast on air traffic freqs. News story i said say they're not concerned because "civillian scanners can access those freqs" ... ummm.

  • Rhe heard something on the radio about trump re-filing a supreme court case "under artcle 2 instead of 3" and theres nothing i see like that in the news today. it shows an interesting deifference in how she and i are seeing this, with her interest being there, but not so focused as mine...

  • Assange was decided yesterday, no extradition, today; no bail. I dont think there's any pretense anymore of holding him under law; its just governments are pissed at him.

  • talking over the FAA /ATC warning thing with Rhe; if I lit up a xmitter and said something on those freqs, from this hill, i bet someone from the FCC would be up my ass within a day; regardless of what i said. Just for using the freqs. never heard of unlicensed traffic on air bands being met with a "meh". aint like i follow that obsessively anymore.

  • news:

    Update (1200ET): Getting a late start once again, President Trump kicked off his speech at the "Save America" rally in Washington DC by promising that he would "never concede", while pleading with VP Mike Pence to "do the right thing."

    ... wheee

  • "slow moving CME to hit today"; unusually slow moving solar ejecta and aurora forecasts look a bit broader and prettier from it is the main expected result.

  • 2pm, News: Protestors storming the senate, Pence "moved to safe location", DoD refuses Nat'l Guard deployment

  • NPR:

    Updated at 2:55 p.m. ET U.S. Capitol Police have locked down all buildings within the U.S. Capitol complex as far-right demonstrations enter the Capitol building and continue to clash with police. Police have alerted individuals to shelter in place, citing a "security threat inside the building." Staff have been urged to move inside offices, hide and lock external doors and windows.

    • HN comment:

      Armed protestors storming the capitol and taking over the legislative chambers at the request of the defeated president is 100% a literal coup.

    • and in fairness theres people there saying things like "if it wasnt for double standards, the media would have no standards at all"

  • Instapundit: "PROTESTORS STORM U.S. CAPITOL, HALT ELECTORAL COLLEGE CERTIFICATION. They are inside the Capitol, with reports of one person shot in the chest."

  • ace:

    Report: Capitol Police Shoot Woman, Badly Wounding Her (and Possibly Killing Her)

    Weird, because leftwing terrorists set fire to federal buildings and laid siege to a federal courthouse for an entire summer and at no point did the police or federal troopers ever use live rounds -- in fact, they barely used even nonlethal rounds. They allowed themselves to be pummeled by antifa and BLM.

    But now it's time to use live ammunition on civilian protesters, huh?

    • well, they down now.
  • people tweeting photos from pelosi's abandonded office; emails up on screen oooo geee i wonder if anyone left anything juicy out? bwaahahaha


    This rally itself happened because Trump called for it. The crowds gathered because Trump called for them. They moved to the Capitol down the Mall because Trump said they should. The breach of the Capitol is Trump's fault. Some in the crowd have stormed the Congress.

  • 3.30p, wow thats some horseshit...

  • "Video of police allowing terrorists into Capitol"


    This Is a Coup

    A mob has stormed the U.S. Capitol, using violence to stop the lawful certification of the Electoral College vote. Insurrectionists are attacking the seat of American government in an attempted coup, urged on by the president of the United States. Saying that feels melodramatic, ridiculous, and overwrought, but there's no plainer way to describe what is currently unfolding.

    oo and

    As the chaos spread, Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. tweeted, "This is wrong and not who we are." But this is exactly who the members of the Trump clique are. The president and his circle have mounted a four-year assault on the rule of law, and this is the logical end of both that tendency and the president's specific words.


  • "$2,000 stimulus checks are possible after Democrats win Senate majority" -- NBC

  • "As Trump Supporters Storm Capitol, Dow Rallies 400 Points To Close At All-Time High" -- Forbes

  • "Twitter pledges to take action on any calls for violence as U.S. Capitol locks down"

  • "Dow closes at record as Democratic Senate win and stimulus expectations offset Capitol chaos"

  • 4pm; twitter is not allowing re-tweets of trump calling for peace and people to leave the capitol. haha.

    groom the evidence before it can become evidence

    One bomb was found at the Beltway headquarters of the Republican National Committee, the New York Times reported, citing sources briefed on the matter.

    The report also said a suspicious package was being investigated at Democratic National Committee headquarters, though that package was not immediately determined to be an explosive. NBC News additionally reported that at least one other device was found on the grounds of the US Capitol.

    that pretty much the whole story.

  • "It is despicable how tepid the police response to armed rioters storming the Capitol has been compared to the response to BLM protests over the summer."

  • 5.30p, dinner was good; we're watchig "darwin awards"

  • Andy Ngo:

    It wasn't antifa at the Capitol riots by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist | | January 06, 2021 06:40 PM

  • news

    Update (1905ET): Twitter just turned up the rage amplifier to "11" and has decided to lock President Trump's account for the next 12 hours.

  • more

    Capitol Declared "Secured"; Woman Shot During Standoff Has Died; Confirmation Process To Resume Tonight

  • Facebook is removing Trump posts saying "Go home with love & in peace" because they're inflamatory...

  • golly gee whiz. Pelosi etc are announcing they will finish the election tonight regardless of trump or anyone else.

    no one is saying "peaceful protest". no one is saying "just one riot". no one is saying "gee that was only 6hr?" and nothing got burned.

  • 7.30p; ... ugh:

    "Video: Police assist terrorists escaping from US Capitol "

    Remove Trump Tonight

    Republicans must distance themselves from the president, and join their colleagues in ending his tenure. - 6:09 PM ET - David Frum

    In institutional self-defense, Trump must be impeached again and this time removed. That needs to happen immediately, before he can declare martial law, so that Vice President Mike Pence can oversee the constitutional transition of power, the first time since the Civil War that such a transition can no longer be described as "peaceful."

    • accccck
  • ive said it to rhe; i think its all kabuki dance and we're all positioned right where someone wants us to be. China moved on hongkong last night...

  • FB announcing new policies: ex "Removing non violent posts that contain: Calls for protests - even peaceful ones - if they violate the curfew in DC"

    but calling for immediate violence against trump and his supporters and people on the right generally ok

  • 9p, my "everything is in place" meme got a downvote immediately. interesting

    everything is in place

  • 10.30p, is running "25th amendment should be used" articles.


    Patriots don't get discouraged. Sun Tzu warfare tactics are being used by the president. The US military and @potus have been planning for this month for more than four years. Do you think they're just gonna give up and go away? We've still got two weeks before January 20. Pray


  • "From YOU, OK? I learned it by watching YOU!"

  • "This is nothing but a Reichstag moment."

  • "I am spaced out as can be, alternating between praying, raging, and zen-like acceptance of This business is now out of control, and many of us are not going to live through it."

  • 11.30p, shits wild...

  • The Q believers and Lin wood leading them are way out over the lip; "roberts killed scalia personally" etc etc. They're also saying things like "this is the way it had to be, have faith, its happening" and "the blatant fraud was necessary and trump and the military are ready" .. which is godamned scary shit weeks ago and now is bad

  • comment:

    Look, I'm an Orthodox Jew. If there's one thing our history tells us again and again, it's not to place our trust in princes, or to seek high office, or to look for justice to a system with more than one set of rules. Things might go well for some time, maybe even for generations, but no law made by men is forever, and comfortable exile is not only still exile, but rarely stays comfortable. My parents' generation got to enjoy the high point of life in the West, and for the first time I'm glad that I don't have any grandchildren yet.

  • "US Capitol secured, 4 dead after rioters stormed the halls of Congress to block Biden's win" -- CNN, 10.45p CT

    Shortly after 1 p.m. ET Wednesday hundreds of pro-Trump protesters pushed through barriers set up along the perimeter of the Capitol, where they tussled with officers in full riot gear, some calling the officers "traitors" for doing their jobs. About 90 minutes later, police said demonstrators got into the building and the doors to the House and Senate were being locked. Shortly after, the House floor was evacuated by police. Vice President Mike Pence was also evacuated from the chamber, he was to perform his role in the counting of electoral votes.

    wow. thats journalism there man.

    At least two suspected pipe bombs were rendered safe by law enforcement, including the one at the building that houses RNC offices and one in the US Capitol complex, a federal law enforcement official told CNN. The official said these were real explosive devices and they were detonated safely. Near the scene where one of the pipe bombs was found Wednesday, police found a vehicle and detained a suspect, and found a rifle and as many as 10 Molotov cocktails, according to a federal law enforcement official. Investigators are working to determine whether there's a connection to the bombs found earlier.

  • hmmm "detonated safely"


  • 12a, someone had a resonant suggezstion; that FB/twitter et al are baring the boot so hard and raw now because they're looking to get acquired by government. Thats interesting. I like that, its an exit for them that could let them out of things like having been totally fraudulently faking lieks etc and ad counts and all of that. runnign bot farms.


    "clip not available at this time" shock

  • is having troll troubles and load troubles per moderator comments; instapundit is all the way down right now; i saw comments that twitter had suspended lin wood, sydney powell, and other accts...

  • "CBS: Some Cabinet Members Discussing 25th Amendment to Remove Donald Trump as President" -- Breitbart

    seen several references to that one, but not the actual story.

  • "Bitcoin smashed through $37,700 to hit a new record high on Thursday"


    Still, two hours after Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser implemented a citywide 6 p.m. curfew, hundreds of pro-Trump rioters milled about the grounds of the Capitol they'd stormed, but they faced no imminent threat of arrest, though they were largely outnumbered by local, regional and federal law enforcement, NPR's Camila Domonoske reports.

    this is good

    Among those who remained unmolested by law enforcement were Adriel Leddy and his wife, Kristina, a couple from California who arrived in town at 3 p.m., prompted by President Trump's pleas and false claims over the last couple of months that the presidential election was stolen.

    "We just wanted to see history and support the president and the patriots," he explained.

    Leddy, who wore a jacket bearing Trump's face on the front and back, which he stenciled himself, listed his grievances with the current state of affairs - many of which echo some of the disturbing conspiracy theories peddled by the president: He believes the election was rigged. (It was not.) He alleges the COVID-19 pandemic was deliberately brought to the U.S. as an attack by China. And, he added, baselessly, the insurrectionists who attacked the Capitol on Wednesday afternoon were not Trump supporters but members of antifa. There is no evidence of that.

    "I've seen antifa infiltration. The people who walked inside and stormed the Capitol today, the tattoos they had on their hands were antifa. The news media will twist it that that's Trump people," he claimed.

    • "baselessley" then "I've seen antifa infiltration"...
  • 1a... i should go to bed by gah. "I'm disgusted and repulsed and i cant look away". made a meme of that. "the news is like a donkey show"

    cant look away

  • trump statement:

    "Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th," Trump said. "I have always said we would continue our fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it's only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!"

    ..which is not being published in left wing media.

  • Personal: Rhe says one of our lottery tickets won $4.

  • From Instapundit:

    WHEN ARE WE GOING TO ADMIT THAT TRUMP IS UNFIT TO BE PRESIDENT?: I know this isn't going to win me any popularity contests with most Instapundit readers, but I'm here to express my opinion, not to reflect readers', so here goes.

    There is no evidence of widespread fraud that could plausibly be said to have cost Trump the election, nor even a single state. It's true the media and big tech were overtly pro-Biden, and while that's not good for democracy it's also not illegal or fraudulent, and thus has no bearing on whether Biden won the election or not

    • Well, ok then mr Bernstein; that's not the opinion you have purported to hold up to now, but minds change etc. Forgive me if i think perhaps you had other reasons to hold your opinions before, and now; than principle and personal integrity.
  • oof... what do they know that i dont. Should I be purging my public trumpism or at least publicly disavowing it now?

  • 10.30a. Zuckerberg posted to FB, 30min ago:

    The shocking events of the last 24 hours clearly demonstrate that President Donald Trump intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power to his elected successor, Joe Biden.

    His decision to use his platform to condone rather than condemn the actions of his supporters at the Capitol building has rightly disturbed people in the US and around the world. We removed these statements yesterday because we judged that their effect -- and likely their intent -- would be to provoke further violence.

    Following the certification of the election results by Congress, the priority for the whole country must now be to ensure that the remaining 13 days and the days after inauguration pass peacefully and in accordance with established democratic norms.

    Over the last several years, we have allowed President Trump to use our platform consistent with our own rules, at times removing content or labeling his posts when they violate our policies. We did this because we believe that the public has a right to the broadest possible access to political speech, even controversial speech. But the current context is now fundamentally different, involving use of our platform to incite violent insurrection against a democratically elected government.

    We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great. Therefore, we are extending the block we have placed on his Facebook and Instagram accounts indefinitely and for at least the next two weeks until the peaceful transition of power is complete.

    • thats pretty historic.
  • "Isolated Trump reluctantly pledges 'orderly' transition after inciting mob" - CNN

  • YouTube

    "Due to the disturbing events that transpired yesterday, and given that the election results have now been certified, starting today any channels posting new videos with false claims in violation of our policies will now receive a strike"

    "Channels that receive a strike are temporarily suspended from posting or live streaming. Channels that receive three strikes in the same 90-day period will be permanently removed from YouTube. We apply our policies and penalties consistently, regardless of who uploads it."

  • 12p, Rhe and i are talking and we're sorta watching history but damned if we can figure it out.

  • 1p, more news... "Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao First Cabinet Member To Resign Over Capitol Unrest"

  • "Bitcoin over $40k"

  • "Shopify Takes Offline in Response to Riot ("

  • hn comment:

    I remarked today to my family that I bet Russians and North Koreans were watching going, wait, we can just walk in? Of course they couldn't because they aren't white "Americans". And all of this really paints a nasty picture of what happened today. It was a soup of treason, violence, white privilege, disgrace, sadness, and weakness.

  • Schumer:

"It is very, very difficult to put into words what has transpired today. I have never lived through or even imagined an experience like the one we have just witnessed in this Capitol. President Franklin Roosevelt set aside Dec. 7, 1941, as a day that will live in infamy. Unfortunately, we can now add Jan. 6, 2021, to that very short list of dates in American history that will live forever in infamy," said Schumer, before going on to label rioters domestic terrorists.

  • Glen Greenwald is reminicing about Barbra Lee objecting to "use of force" legislation after 9/11 ... geee thanks

  • news:

    Update (1410ET): Nancy Pelosi has joined Chuck Schumer in calling for 25th Amendment to remove Trump who "incited an armed insurrection against America."

    Nice to bookend the administration that way, i guess.

  • "Biden calls the violent pro-Trump riot at the Capitol an 'insurrection' and 'domestic terrorism'

  • " 'Don't Dare Call Them Protesters': Joe Biden Brands Trump Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'"


    Many ... statements use various words to refer to what took place -- "insurrection," "sedition" and "coup." Here's a breakdown of what those terms mean.

    That's fucking rich, that is.

  • bitcoins surges to $40k and shocking coincidince several major exchanges and wallet providers have issues that prevent most bitcoin holders from selling since last night. But there's prelnty available; its just the biggest funds selling. into a $6k rise.

    people have been noting that many purchases are multiples of the 600 stimulus payment, of course. bitcoin's open ledger nature makes that particularly easy to track and some market makers publish their internal data too.

  • "Twitch disables Trump's account indefinitely ("

Just love how these companies suddenly find a backbone days before he's out of office, just a coincidence I'm sure.

... gah. 70 comments; many stomped for contrarian tone and not a single "free speech is still good" comment because that not productive discussion anymore. All that can be discussed is who controls the cencosrs.


    @AOC's Comms Director here. Right-wing accounts are taking the last tweet from this old thread on the 'defund' mvmnt & twisting it to imply AOC supports violence like what's happening at the Capitol. We asked @Twitter to stop the misinfo, but as we wait, you can help with a RT"

  • news

    "Today's violent assault on our Capitol, an effort to subjugate American democracy by mob rule, was fomented by Mr. Trump," said Mattis. "Our Constitution and our Republic will overcome this stain and We the People will come together again in our never-ending effort to form a more perfect Union, while Mr. Trump will deservedly be left a man without a country," he added.

  • 4p; "The FCC's Enforcement Bureau today issued an advisory to remind Emergency Alert System participants of their compliance obligations,"

  • "Shopify closes e-commerce sites tied to Trump ("

  • "The US Needs More Foreign Artificial Intelligence Know-How ("

  • 7.30p; Trump is allowed to twitter again, and has said, there, something about "there will be an orderly transfer of power on the 20th"

  • "Insurrectionists' social media presence gives feds an easy way to ID them ("

  • "Have Trump's Lies Wrecked Free Speech? ("

  • "FDA warns Congress about Covid test that may give false results ("

    ... just in time for Biden to cure covid and bring the case count under control! wow. miracle.

  • "The Right's New Coup Conspiracy: Antifa Did IT ("


  • 8.30a; "Dominion Voting Systems sues pro-Trump lawyer, seeking more than $1.3B (" (they're suing Sydney powell)

  • 9.45a, people posting graphs of power in Europe having a frequency event; EU electrical grids blowing up would be fun

  • Twitter is banning SciHub today, people are already saying "well they had to make rules to get rid of Trump, if it costs SciHub that sucks but its Trump's fault"

  • CNN:

    Prosecutors in the US Attorney's office plan to open a federal murder investigation into the death of Brian D. Sicknick, ... was injured Wednesday when a mob ... He died at approximately 9:30 p.m. ET Thursday "due to injuries sustained while on-duty," ... "Officer Sicknick was responding to the riots on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol and was injured while physically engaging with protesters. He returned to his division office and collapsed. He was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries," the statement read.

  • later, AP: "During the melee, Sicknick was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher, two law enforcement officials said."

    that helps explain things.

  • In an interview with the author of the Titania McGrath parody twitter acct: "Those who knew me to be fundamentally opposed to racial discrimination started referring to me as "alt-right", a shorthand term for white nationalist. "

    • ... disingenious. Their latest is: "As we move into 2021, Biden's brave message resounds throughout our new woke empire. It is time for healing. It is time for hope. Above all, it is time for unity. So let's make a list of everyone who voted the wrong way and deal with them as soon as possible."

    surgical mimetics.

  • "Air Force Brass Order Removal of All Offensive, Non-Inclusive Patches, Mottos and Emblems" -- yahoo news

  • 11a; people are buying into the media hype. The capitol riots are the worst domestic terrism since OKC.

  • "Getting Rid of Trump is the easy part. Cleansing the movement he commands is going to be something else." -- ABC News Political Director Rick Klein


    Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chair Ajit Pai will not move forward with rulemaking on President Trump's executive order ... Pai said ... that there is not enough time left in the Trump administration to amend Section 230 of the Communications Decency Action. "Given that reality, I do not believe it's appropriate to move forward," he said, according to an edited transcript of the interview from Protocol.


    No Russian cyberspooks, no Chinese spies, no jihadi terrorists - no external enemies of any kind could have brought as much harm to the United States as its own self-inflicted wounds.

  • "I made a website that tracks who is helping make the internet great again ("

  • its amazing how climate change falls out of the headlines when theres other stuff for that staff to push.

  • "Reddit bans subreddit group "r/DonaldTrump" (" ... gee, again?


  • CEO of

    Do you really want to live within the constraints of a type of societal social credit system where your every action, your very thoughts are bounded by external and ever shifting, subjective and revisionist social mores? Many of them defined by the most oversensitive, self-absorbed hysterics on social media?

    • my comment: "Well said. All of the bad parts of religious zealotry are on display; in the service of a God with no name and a dogma written in mist. The only guiding principles seem to be deception and greed."
  • "Bloomberg reports that Pelosi told Democrats in call that a top military official assured her safeguards are in place if President Trump initiates a nuclear strike, according to an aide who was on the call."

    and there's still a strong set of faithful saying "trump is about to invoke martial law and hang all the traitors"

    boy wouldnt that be great? that'd be the perfect excuse to have un forces assist the rightful biden administration etc etc


    The striking arrogance of our American exceptionalism allowed us to ignore the virus of fringe ideas fueled by algorithms and profit. The sight of a mob overrunning the U.S. Capitol, under the direction of a U.S. President, forces us to acknowledge that we have an epidemic that demands swift, severe action(s). Put another way, putting the President in a social media timeout is insufficient.

    We need greater attribution and accountability. President Trump should be stripped of power immediately. The incitement of violence against a co-equal branch of government is grounds for impeachment, conviction, and removal from office by Congress. If he had just one day left in office, Trump would still be a clear and present danger to the republic. More importantly, the first declaration in years that our leaders face consequences for their actions should be in bold type.

    Under some fuked up version of wokeness, we have decided that stupid people are a special interest group who warrant empathy and latitude re the damage they levy. We excuse Trump's mob, as they are the ones America left behind or who didn't have access to higher education. No, they're just stupid - even the ones with "Senator" before their name.

    ... people listen to this guy; im afraid

  • "How Congress can permanently disqualify Trump from office after impeachment" -- Vox news

  • "Clyburn accuses resigning Trump Cabinet members of 'running away' from 25th Amendment duty"


    The Justice Department says Richard Barnett, identified as the man who sat at a desk in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office during the siege of the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump extremists, has been arrested.

    Barnett is being held at the Washington County Sheriff's Office in Fayetteville, Ark., according to Charlie Robbins of the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Arkansas.

    Outrage over the photo and the insurrection in the seat of U.S. democracy triggered a harsh backlash against Barnett's hometown of Gravette, according to Mayor Kurt Maddox, who said on Friday, "Barnett is now in custody of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a list of pending charges."

    and it keeps getting worse.


    The FBI is offering a $50,000 reward for help in identifying people involved in leaving pipe bombs in Washington, DC, on Wednesday.

    Authorities are offering the money for information leading to the "location, arrest, and conviction" of whoever is responsible for the placement of suspected pipe bombs near the Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee headquarters.


    Apparently Sarah Hoyt is the only non-cuck at Instapundit.

  • "US Consumers Unexpectedly Paid Down Their Credit Cards In November; Have "Uncharged" $115BN In 2020"


    Research suggests that at least one type of plant - the french bean - may be more sentient than we give it credit for: namely, it may possess intent.

    they used time-lapse photography to document the behaviour of 20 potted bean plants, grown either in the vicinity of a support pole or without one, until the tip of the shoot made contact with the pole. Using this footage, they analysed the dynamics of the shoots' growth, finding that their approach was more controlled and predictable when a pole was present.

    ... bet this doesnt hold with a fixed light source; ill bet its tracking shadows.


      However using a bottom up evolutionary approach and a leading theory of consciousness, Integrated Information Theory, we report that we find evidence that indicates that plant meristems act in a conscious fashion although probably at the level of minimal consciousness. Since many plants contain multiple meristems these observations highlight a very different evolutionary approach to consciousness in biological organisms.

    ummm... im not disagreeing there

  • news:

    Twitter on Friday permanently suspended accounts for former national security adviser Michael Flynn, pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell and former 8kun administrator Ron Watkins as part of a crackdown on content linked to the QAnon conspiracy theory.


    After close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.

  • "Apple has given Parler a 24-hour ultimatum to implement a "moderation plan" ("

  • "Parler suspended from google app store" (for inciting violence / not moderating)

  • "FBI, Homeland Security Int. Didn't Issue Risk Assessment for ProTrump Protests ("

  • commentors saying "because white people, that's why!" ... which is about like saying "its because of men!" the small crowd inside the capitol was pretty varied, as will soon be documentable via their mugshots.

  • "Twitter to ban accounts sharing QAnon content ("




    A reporter for the New York Times who was inside the Capitol at the time it was breached questioned a cop as to why the police weren't attempting to expel the protesters. The officer replied, "We've just got to let them do their thing now."

    Not only had similar attempts to attack state legislatures been mounted in states leading up to and after the election, including the foiled assassination plot of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, insurrectionists had been planning their assault in plain sight for weeks.

    Neo-Nazi Matthew W. Heimbach, the "outreach director" for the National Socialist Movement, was also photographed inside the Capitol. Meanwhile, members of the New England-based neo-Nazi group known as NSC 131 were also spotted outside the Capitol. As of this writing, none of them has been arrested or charged.

    Whereas thousands of peaceful multiracial protesters against police violence in DC on June 1 were met with military helicopters, National Guard soldiers, police on horseback and copious amounts of tear gas, flash bangs and less lethal ammunition, the few hundred police stationed outside the Capitol on Wednesday to greet the fascist mob appeared to be armed only with batons and soft language.

    Three other deaths among the protesters were reported as "medical emergencies." Chief Contee identified them as Kevin Greeson, 55, of Alabama; Benjamin Phillips, 50, of Pennsylvania; and 34-year-old Georgia resident Rosanne Boyland. One Capitol Police officer is on life support after being struck in the head by a fire extinguisher.

  • "They're not doing this because they consider Trump weak and Biden popular."

  • "Twitter suspended Rush Limbaugh"

  • "Voice of America CEO Accused Of Fraud, Misuse of Office All In One Week" .. among the problems: "And now Pack is now being accused of trying to propagandize the Voice of America by a group of whistleblowers. They take exception to a planned appearance by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at VOA's Washington headquarters on Monday,"

  • ... this shit is flying by so fast i cant digest it. worse than 9/11. that was days and months and this is .. days. but wow.

  • so, corporate censorship isnt even the label anymore. Dogma clamps. they keep getting away with outragous offenses, so they go for something more outrageous.

  • Q folks: "there will be a peaceful transfer of power" ... but not to biden, to a military tribunal etc etc... "hopium" as someone said

  • " suspends Trump's accounts too ("

  • "Trumps email campaign service has suspended him ("

  • comments:

    A hard rain is coming. And no, Sarah is not overplaying it. She's really being rather calm about it. She knows. And I've seen it, too.

    Hug your loved ones. Pray to your God. Remember rule #1. Don't panic. There are still people alive in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and even Beirut. It will suck sweaty vinegary bawls, but many of us will live through it. The bad news being, of course, that we may have to.

    ... oof

  • "Cellphone Data Could Lead to More Capitol Arrests ("

  • "Elon Musk tweeted 'use Signal,' causing 1100% surge in unrelated stock ("

Continue reading the daily coverage with 2021-01-09