


  • Overcoming Bias : Sell Tax Rights To Make Agents

    Assume the federal government is owed X% of a certain person’s future wages w(t). Or some fixed function F(w(t)). You might not think the government entitled to such income taxes, but you gotta admit the odds of changing this situation anytime soon look slim.

    I propose that the government auction off this right to collect these income taxes. Ideally at birth, if not sooner. Government could use the auction revenue to pay off part of their government debt, and thus in effect convert one kind of debt into another. So the government’s expected tax revenue need not suffer.

  • Machinist’s Accuracy Vs. Woodworker’s Precision

    This ends up expressing perfectly the distinction between accuracy and precision. Sometimes you need to hit the numbers right on, and other times, you just need to get the parts to fit. And it’s useful to know which of these situations you’re actually in.

  • Skylab: The Myth of the Mutiny in Space

    Amazingly, he says, in the last 48 years only one other reporter has been in touch with the Skylab 4 crew apart from the BBC, to ask them for their account of what happened.

Media / Ministry of Truthy