

  • The Criminalization of Dissent – Consent Factory, Inc.

  • If You Can Be Bad, You Can Also Be Good - Astral Codex Ten

    Perfect rationality is probably impossible, just like perfect anything else. Luckily, we're all far enough from perfection that we don't need to worry about this - and we can go on trying to improve regardless.

  • How science has been corrupted - UnHerd

    One of the most striking features of the present, for anyone alert to politics, is that we are increasingly governed through the device of panics that give every appearance of being contrived to generate acquiescence in a public that has grown skeptical of institutions built on claims of expertise. And this is happening across many domains. Policy challenges from outsiders presented through fact and argument, offering some picture of what is going on in the world that is rival to the prevailing one, are not answered in kind, but are met rather with denunciation. In this way, epistemic threats to institutional authority are resolved into moral conflicts between good people and bad people.


    In the unforgettable Summer of 2020, the moral energy of anti-racism was harnessed to the scientific authority of public health, and vice versa. Thus “white supremacy” was a public health emergency — one urgent enough to dictate the suspension of social distancing mandates for the sake of protests. So how did the description of America as white supremacist get converted into a scientific-sounding claim?

  • Efficiency is the Enemy

  • On Incels, Dead Bedrooms and The Hard Problems of Loneliness - Resident Contrarian

  • Signal >> Blog >> The Instagram ads Facebook won't show you

    We created a multi-variant targeted ad designed to show you the personal data that Facebook collects about you and sells access to. The ad would simply display some of the information collected about the viewer which the advertising platform uses. Facebook was not into that idea.



Culture War / Re segregation / Identdoctrination

Media / Many Ministries of Truths / Censorship


Security / Militaria / Crime / Police