

  • Publish and Perish - The Intrinsic Perspective

    In many fields this behavior isn’t much of a problem, but in virology playing the Science Game™ turns out to have negative externalities like potential mass death at a global scale. Other fields like artificial intelligence, high-energy particle collision experiments, attempts at alien communication, and more, may one day pose similar risks due to the run-away prestige games scientists play. Science doesn’t naturally have breaks. It’s up to people outside of it to give it some.

  • A new future for icanhazip | Major Hayden's Blog

    If you’re curious, Cloudflare did pay me for the site. We made a deal for them to pay me $8.03; the cost of the domain registration. The goal was never to make money from the site (although I did get about $75 in total donations from 2009 to 2021). The goal was to provide a service to the internet. Cloudflare has helped me do that and they will continue to do it as the new owners and operators of icanhazip.com.

Media / Many Ministries of Truths / Censorship

Health / Medicine / COVID