

  • The Quickest Antenna Design of the Year

    I started with the 2.6" recommendation from online calculators which showed the frequency was a tad bit too high. Two more iterations showed that 3" was the ideal length to extend from the coaxial connector. I pulled the bare center conductor from a piece of RG6 that was sitting on my bench, inserted it into the RTL-SDR, measured my 3" and cut.

  • Don't let Social Media Think for You

  • The Aducanumab Approval | In the Pipeline

    As the world knows, the FDA approved Biogen’s anti-amyloid antibody today, surely the first marketed drug whose Phase III trial was stopped for futility. I think this is one of the worst FDA decisions I have ever seen, because – like the advisory committee that reviewed the application, and like the FDA’s own statisticians – I don’t believe that Biogen really demonstrated efficacy. No problem apparently.

  • A Project of One's Own

    A few days ago, on the way home from school, my nine year old son told me he couldn't wait to get home to write more of the story he was working on. This made me as happy as anything I've heard him say — not just because he was excited about his story, but because he'd discovered this way of working. Working on a project of your own is as different from ordinary work as skating is from walking. It's more fun, but also much more productive.

Culture War / Re segregation / Identdoctrination

Media / Many Ministries of Truths / Censorship

Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda