
> > everything you say can be interpreted in bad faith.
> You're only saying that to absolve yourself from understanding
> that people's criticism of whatever stupid or evil thing you're
> into is valid.


Media / Many Ministries of Truths / Censorship

  • Yet Another Media Tale -- Trump Tear-Gassed Protesters For a Church Photo Op -- Collapses - Glenn Greenwald

    Over and over we see the central truth: the corporate outlets that most loudly and shrilly denounce “disinformation” — to the point of demanding online censorship and de-platforming in the name of combating it — are, in fact, the ones who spread disinformation most frequently and destructively. It is hard to count how many times they have spread major fake stories in the Trump years. For that reason, they have nobody but themselves to blame for the utter collapse in trust and faith on the part of the public, which has rightfully concluded they cannot and should not be believed.


Security / Militaria / Crime / Police