

Security / Militaria / Crime / Police

  • Pentagon Cancels $10B Microsoft Contract

  • FBI Seized Lego Set from D.C. Riot Leader

  • NYPD's 'Game Trucks' Should Be Avoided at All Costs

    If you’re still tempted by the siren song of Mario Kart 8, a senior counsel for Brooklyn Defender Services, which represents around 35,000 people per year, professionally advises not to go anywhere near this thing. “As a criminal defense attorney, I would advise every young person to stay away from the Police Foundation’s so-called game truck, a mobile surveillance arcade, for their safety and for the protection of their personal information,” MK Kaishian wrote to Gizmodo, pointing to DNA harvesting. “If this venture was really about providing harmless activities for young people to engage in, there would be no need for police involvement.”


Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda