
Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

  • Where to Now, Chris? Where to Now? - Freddie deBoer

    Republicans could not continue to be the party of white grievance, that it had to entice more voters of color and become more accepting of gay rights, then a still-salient electoral issue. In particular, the report insisted that comprehensive immigration reform was absolutely essential, or else the party would “continue to shrink to its core constituencies only.” The core constituencies mentioned, as you’d expect, are rural, uneducated white people. Many, even among left-leaning commentators, remarked on the report’s unusual level of candor and willingness to challenge the party’s orthodoxies. This Thomas Edsall column is a strong contemporary analysis.

    Trumpism was to follow, and so obviously the report was not embraced.

    because conservatism is such a deranged death cult there’s precious little reason for liberalism to get any better. You can always point to the deeper pathology of the other side.

  • Senate confirms 40 judges during Biden's first year in office, the most since Reagan

  • Centrist US Lawmaker Announces Firm Opposition to Biden Safety Net Legislation