
COVID / VaxCult

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

  • Princeton Researcher Apologizes for Threatening GDPR/CCPA Email Study

    I have carefully read every single message sent to our research team, and I am dismayed that the emails in our study came across as security risks or legal threats. The intent of our study was to understand privacy practices, not to create a burden on website operators, email system operators, or privacy professionals. I sincerely apologize. I am the senior researcher, and the responsibility is mine.

    • Q: why are some emails sent from simulated identities?

    A: When the system has even higher confidence, it sends up to several emails that simulate real user inquiries about GDPR or CCPA processes. This research method is analogous to the audit and “secret shopper” methods that are common in academic research, enabling realistic evaluation of business practices. Simulating user inquiries also enables the study to better understand how websites respond to users from different locations.

  • UBC bans non-minority candidates from applying for tenure-track quantum position

Law Breaking / Police / Internal Security