
Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • You Should Have Kids

    I think many in the pro-libraries, anti-austerity crowd think that political activity is a social good and should be encouraged, which is why we should consider government-funded public spaces as more desirable than Starbucks and shopping malls. Plus they won’t kick out the homeless, which makes them more “inclusive” than businesses that actually need to attract voluntary customers and therefore have standards as to which people they let take up space. To me, political activism is a poor substitute for things that actually give people meaning, and since most people – particularly those prone to organizing strangers towards a common purpose – are pretty bad at reasoning about public policy issues, it usually imposes a cost on the rest of society. If anything, we should be taxing it.

  • Trump’s social media platform is filled with fake government profiles

  • The Red-Pill Prince - Tablet Magazine

    Living Americans might be able to glean a sense of the phenomenon Yarvin describes in the current public discourse. It has often seemed in recent years that every few weeks has brought a new instance in which journalists and experts instantaneously, almost magically converged on shared talking points related to the hysteria du jour—cycling through moral crusades to free children from cages at the U.S. border, save the post office from a fascist coup, label the filibuster a tool of white supremacy, and so on. The power of the Cathedral is that it cannot be seen because it is located everywhere and nowhere, baked into the architecture of how we live, communicate, and think.

    Burnham argues that all complex societies are in effect oligarchies ruled by a small number of elites. To hide this fact and legitimize their rule in the eyes of the masses, oligarchies employ the powers of mystification and propaganda. Indeed, Yarvin believes that America stopped being a democracy sometime after the end of World War II and became instead a “bureaucratic oligarchy”—meaning that political power is concentrated within a small group of people who are selected not on the basis of hereditary title or pure merit but through their entry into the bureaucratic organs of the state. What remains of American democracy is pageantry and symbolism, which has about as much connection to the real thing as the city of Orlando has to Disney World.

  • Your Top Priority is The Emotional Comfort of the Most Powerful Elites, Which You Fulfill by Never Criticizing Them.


Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda
