

  • To the Comptroller of the Hacker News Publication

    It is observed, that the Generality of People, now a days, are unwilling either to commend or dispraise what they read, until they are in some measure informed who or what the Author of it is, whether he be a Schollar or a Leather Apron Man, poor or rich, financially affiliated with this Publication or not, &c. and give their Opinion of the Performance, according to the Knowledge which they have of the Author's Circumstances.

    I shall add that beautifying Writings with a Sentence or two in the learned Languages, has not only become fashionable, but also pleasing to those who do not understand it, and is likewise be very ornamental in monospaced font.

Pestilence / Pox / COVID / VaxCult

Culture War / Tribal / Re segregation

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania

Health / Medicine