

  • Jupiter to Reach Opposition, Closest Approach to Earth in 59 Years

  • NASA spacecraft lining up to smash into an asteroid

  • Solving Scurvy - by Philo - MD&A

  • Meritocracy is Vital - by Jeff Maurer - I Might Be Wrong

    We live in a world where environmental factors lead to unequal aptitudes, but what if we just pretended that we didn’t? What if we made believe as if everyone is equally good at everything? Maybe we can eschew the painful, generations-long project of creating a society with more-equal access and just engineer results that make us feel good now. And we can undertake this project despite the fact that it requires huge amounts of race and gender-based discrimination. Amazingly, this argument has gained purchase on the left. I consider this a stunning upset; it’s as if MADD decided that actually, a Corona with lime is delicious and refreshing, so feel free to throw a few back before you get behind the wheel.

    There is both an individual and a societal benefit to meritocracy. On an individual level, we’re afforded the right to be judged according to our ability to do some specific thing, and not according to arbitrary factors, worst of all factors that are decided by birth. This lets us focus on areas where we show aptitude. On a societal level, we benefit from products and organizations that are as good as they can be. Is it a perfect system? No — in a perfect system, an all-knowing being would reward people in exact proportion to their moral worth. This is how most religions conceive of heaven. And that sounds great, and I hope it exists somewhere, but on Earth, we typically have to settle for “best available”, and I think that meritocracy is the best available system that we have.

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