Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering
Pestilence / Pox / COVID / VaxCult
Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts
Media / ShowBiz / Advertising
From Bing to Sydney – Stratechery by Ben Thompson
Again, I am totally aware that this sounds insane. But for the first time I feel a bit of empathy for Lemoine. No, I don’t think that Sydney is sentient, but for reasons that are hard to explain, I feel like I have crossed the Rubicon. My interaction today with Sydney was completely unlike any other interaction I have had with a computer, and this is with a primitive version of what might be possible going forward.
Crypto con games
Economicon / Business / Finance
Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making
External Security / Militaria / Diplomania
Automated data analysis for the prevention of criminal acts is unconstitutional | Hacker News
This is such a German judgement. So the police are using big data to predict who will commit crimes, which is sort of dystopian. But what the court finds unconstitutional about it is that they're using computers.