

  • Generation Junk

    Many blamed these problems on the government. They believed it had crippled certain products (major home appliances especially) with environmental regulations, causing them to function poorly and turn rapidly to landfill fodder -- an ecological net loss, perhaps. Some folks blamed our trade arrangements with China and the evils of capitalism itself. Weak-link computer chips in items that don’t require them also came in for abuse. One philosophical reply spoke of a sinister general trend toward the degradation of everything human. “There’s a war on value that’s going that’s comprised of three parts: war on quality, war on money, war on life.” Lofty rhetoric, but I understood. When my suddenly de-electrified hybrid car became a hurtling giant stone inside which my wife and I were helplessly strapped – all for the crime of trying to save fuel and, ultimately, earth-- it was hard not to feel ambushed, tricked.

  • (2004) Yesterday's Technology, Tomorrow

    I don't want tomorrow's technology today. I want yesterday's technology tomorrow. I want old things that have stood the test of time and are designed to last so that I will still be able to use them tomorrow. I don't want tomorrow's untested and bug-ridden ideas for fancy new junk made available today because although they're not ready for prime time the company has to hustle them out because it's been six months since the last big new product announcement. Call me old-fashioned, but I want stuff that works.

  • Just how big can a snowflake get?

  • Best places in the US to experience totality during the April 2024 solar eclipse

  • Double Double Division Algorithm


Trump / War against the Right / Jan6

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making