


Quebec man has two healthy fingers amputated to relieve 'body integrity dysphoria'

Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • Microsoft warns that China is using AI to stir the pot ahead of US election

  • ‘Misinformation’ Is the Censors’ Excuse - WSJ

    In Murthy, however, the government defends its actions in terms of combatting misinformation and disinformation. The administration and other practitioners and proponents of censorship thereby pretend that they are merely protecting the public from cut-and-dried falsehoods. In doing so, they misrepresent their actions and attempt to evade responsibility for arrogating to themselves the decision of what is safe and sound for people to see and hear. In turn, they portray free-speech advocates as supporting falsehoods, even lies. The “misinformation” stratagem kneecaps them by trapping their objections in the limited dimension of information, forcing them to epistemologize to fight off censorship. Here we are, on the opinion page, talking about how information differs from interpretation and judgment.

  • JK Rowling is the heir to George Orwell

TechSuck / Geek Bait

AI Will (Save | Destroy) The World

Space / Boomy Zoomers / UFO

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making
