
Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • We Can Meet the Coming Storm of Fraud and Disinformation

    how worried should we be about the impending deluge of disinformation and fraud? As I have argued above, I believe that effective, technical countermeasures can be developed. The question is: will they be? AV software is a $4Bn industry globally because it is in everyone’s interests to secure their own devices and data. Can the same be said of disinformation? Maybe not. It’s discouraging to observe how eager we all are to blindly accept information which conforms to our existing beliefs. Do I really want to pay for software whose purpose is to challenge my preconceptions and spoil my outrage? Maybe for some of us but I doubt for all. For media and social platforms, however, the incentive would seem to be there. Even for the most libertarian among them, there would seem to be no conflict between championing free speech and flagging AI-generated content. Sure, they might have to be chivvied to act by governments and regulators but such portals are natural places for AI detectors to be running.

Pox / COVID / BioTerror AgitProp

Economicon / Business / Finance


  • The Fire This Time: Aaron Bushnell and the Rage that Burns Within All of US

    Bushnell was not merely an American. But an American soldier. He wore that badge of shame on his chest. The stain of guilt from “complicity in genocide” inflected his voice and infected his camouflaged uniform. Unlike most Americans, Bushnell understood his nation’s central role in Gaza’s rolling demise. The reality of 40,000 slain Palestinians burned him with guilt, and buoyed him to undo his military service in radical fashion.

Russia Bad / Ukraine War

  • Russia accused of using chemical gas attacks against Ukrainian soldiers

  • Russian trolls target U.S. support for Ukraine, Kremlin documents show - The Washington Post

    In an ongoing campaign that seeks to influence congressional and other political debates to stoke anti-Ukraine sentiment, Kremlin-linked political strategists and trolls have written thousands of fabricated news articles, social media posts and comments that promote American isolationism, stir fear over the United States’ border security and attempt to amplify U.S. economic and racial tensions, according to a trove of internal Kremlin documents obtained by a European intelligence service and reviewed by The Washington Post.

    The documents — numbering more than 100 and dating between May 2022 and August 2023 — were provided to The Post to expose Kremlin propaganda operations aimed at undermining support for Ukraine in the United States, as well as their scale and methods. The files are part of a series of leaks that have allowed a rare glimpse into Moscow’s parallel efforts to weaken support for Ukraine in France and Germany, as well as destabilize Ukraine itself.

  • Wider war in Europe ‘no longer a fantasy’, warns EU’s top diplomat

    Europe must prepare for potential war, as a full-scale conflict on the continent beyond Ukraine is “no longer a fantasy”, the EU’s chief diplomat has warned. “Russia threatens Europe,” both through its ongoing war in Ukraine and hybrid attacks on EU member states, Josep Borrell said on Tuesday in a speech in Brussels. “War is certainly looming around us,” said Borrell. “A high-intensity, conventional war in Europe is no longer a fantasy.”
