
Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

  • America's premier pronatalists on having 'tons of kids' to save the world

    The average pronatalist is “young, nerdy, contrarian, autist,” Malcolm says, proudly. “Usually, they will be running a tech company or be in venture capital.” There is a wider perception that pronatalists are also largely white; Malcolm staunchly denies this, but he is aware that, in promoting the idea that our culture faces existential crisis unless we reproduce, the aims of pronatalists overlap with those of racist conspiracists who believe in the “great replacement theory” – the conviction that people of white European heritage are being demographically taken over by non-whites who have children at a faster rate.

    It is a very cold home. It’s early March, and within 20 minutes of being here the tips of some of my fingers have turned white. This, they explain, is part of living their values: as effective altruists, they give everything they can spare to charity (their charities). “Any pointless indulgence, like heating the house in the winter, we try to avoid if we can find other solutions,” says Malcolm. This explains Simone’s clothing: her normal winterwear is cheap, high-quality snowsuits she buys online from Russia, but she can’t fit into them now, so she’s currently dressing in the clothes pregnant women wore in a time before central heating: a drawstring-necked chemise on top of warm underlayers, a thick black apron, and a modified corset she found on Etsy. She assures me she is not a tradwife. “I’m not dressing trad now because we’re into trad, because before I was dressing like a Russian Bond villain. We do what’s practical.”

Space / Boomy Zoomers / UFO

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania

Iran / Houthi

  • Iran's Military Concludes No Foul Play In Raisi Helicopter Crash

    A preliminary report produced by Iran's military has found no evidence of criminal activity or foreign interference in last Sunday's helicopter crash that killed the late President Ebrahim Raisi and seven others, according to state media. The report was produced by the general staff of the armed forces, and it states Raisi's helicopter "caught fire after hitting an elevated area" and found no traces of "bullet holes" on the helicopter among the wreckage.