

  • Would you clone your dog?

  • Cold shipping might be the next industry that batteries disrupt

  • Another monolith appeared near Las Vegas. Who's behind these mysterious objects?

  • A Black Woman Invented Home Security. Why Did It Go So Wrong?

  • The Mythic Rebellion: Why The Far Right Keeps Winning

    Our politics is no longer a battle between left and right. It is a battle between myths, and our institutions are the battleground. On one side, those who believe that the institutions of liberal democracy can meet the chaos of the times. On the other, people who see those same institutions as the cause of our fragmentation. The far right is gaining traction because it speaks to a wide-spread frustration with the technocratic bureaucracies of the EU and the US. It casts them as toxic machines enforcing a placeless, multicultural pluralism that serves global capital at the expense of working people. Increasingly, those same institutions don’t have a response good enough to convince voters.

    The imaginal dream of a new future is not going to come from the technocratic political class. It absolutely won’t come from the fear-mongering and manipulation of the far right. It will come from a culture that knows how to honour the past while celebrating change. From economic and immigration policies that nurture identity in its many forms while recognising that there is a limit to how much diversity a culture can take. Above all, it will arrive by dreaming of a third path, one that takes us beyond the sterile emptiness of our existing politics into a future defined by love, acceptance and aliveness.

  • Is Black Wine the New Orange?

Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

Trump / War against the Right / Jan6

Pox / COVID / BioTerror AgitProp

  • CDC A(H5N1) Bird Flu Response Update June 28, 2024

    To date, there have been three human cases associated with an ongoing multistate outbreak of A(H5N1) in U.S. dairy cows. Based on the information available at this time, CDC's current H5N1 bird flu human health risk assessment for the U.S. general public remains low. All three sporadic cases had direct contact with sick cows.

Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

  • So Now the Feds Will Monitor Research Integrity?

    We can now begin to make sense of the dust-up between the bureaucracy-based Scientific Integrity Task Force and the university-based Council on Governmental Relations. Neither is concerned so much with protecting the integrity of science; they merely differ on who shall be the enforcers—universities or federal bureaucracies—over the working scientists who bring in the crucial cash. Neither have any interest in dealing with the most significant scientific-integrity issues facing us today, ranging from overt politicization to corruption verging on criminality at the highest levels. At this point, it’s apt to recall Henry Kissinger’s famous quote about the 1980s Iran-Iraq war—that it’s a “pity both sides can’t lose.” Yet, while I’m no friend of the shenanigans of university administrations and the games they play, I’m far more concerned about the Biden administration’s move to complete the federalization of university science begun in 1950, which may finally squash the very people who are the most effective custodians of scientific integrity: scientists themselves.

  • Professor Charged for Operating Multimillion-Dollar Grant Fraud Scheme

    According to court documents, Hoau-Yan Wang, 67, was a tenured medical professor at a public university’s medical school, as well as a paid advisor and consultant to a publicly traded Texas biopharmaceutical company. From approximately May 2015 through approximately April 2023, Wang allegedly engaged in a scheme to fabricate and falsify scientific data in grant applications made to the NIH on behalf of himself and the biopharmaceutical company. As alleged, the fraudulent grant applications to the NIH sought funding for scientific research of a potential treatment and diagnostic test for Alzheimer’s disease and resulted in the award of approximately $16 million in grants from approximately 2017 to 2021, part of which funded Wang’s laboratory work and salary.

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

AI Will (Save | Destroy) The World

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making
