
Electric / Self Driving cars

celebrity gossip

  • How Swizz Beatz Climbed to the Top of Saudi Arabia’s Camel Racing Scene - The New York Times

    Though the camels sprinting past were the main event, Mr. Dean, better known as Swizz Beatz, felt as if all eyes in the room were on him — one of the newest competitors in Saudi Arabia’s deep-pocketed camel racing scene. Four years since he entered and won his first race, he has spent millions of dollars to buy 48 racing camels, ascending into the most elite circles of the sport.

Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • Meta Expands Policy to Remove More Posts Attacking 'Zionism'

  • Justice Department Disrupts Covert Russian Government-Operated AI Bot Farm

    The Justice Department today announced the seizure of two domain names and the search of 968 social media accounts used by Russian actors to create an AI-enhanced social media bot farm that spread disinformation in the United States and abroad. The social media bot farm used elements of AI to create fictitious social media profiles — often purporting to belong to individuals in the United States — which the operators then used to promote messages in support of Russian government objectives, according to affidavits unsealed today.

    According to the affidavits, FSB Officer 1, Individual A, and other members of the PIO had access to the social media bot farm. The following are examples of Russian-government narratives that the bot farm posted on X in October and November 2023:

    • A purported U.S. constituent replied to a candidate for federal office’s social media posts regarding the conflict in Ukraine with a video of President Putin justifying Russia’s actions in Ukraine;

    • A purported resident of Minneapolis, Minnesota, posted a video of President Putin discussing his belief that certain geographic areas of Poland, Ukraine, and Lithuania were “gifts” to those countries from the Russian forces that liberated them from Nazi control during World War II;

    • A purported U.S. resident of a city identified only as “Gresham,” posted a video claiming that the number of foreign fighters embedded with Ukrainian forces was significantly lower than public estimates;

    • The same purported individual posted a video of President Putin claiming that the war in Ukraine is not a territorial conflict or a matter of geopolitical balance, but rather the “principles on which the New World Order will be based.”

    The actors obtained and controlled the domain names “mlrtr.com” and “otanmail.com” from a U.S.-based provider. They then used those domains to create the email servers that ultimately allowed them to create fictitious social media accounts using the bot farm software.


Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

AI Will (Save | Destroy) The World

Economicon / Business / Finance

  • Dyson to cut a quarter of UK workforce

    Dyson is axing about 1,000 jobs in the UK, more than a quarter of its workforce in the country. Staff at the vacuum cleaner and air filter manufacturer were told on Tuesday morning about the redundancies, which are part of a wider move to reduce the company’s 15,000-strong global workforce, according to people familiar with the matter.

  • Fed Chair Powell Welcomes Cooling Inflation - The New York Times

    “The Committee has stated that we do not expect it will be appropriate to reduce the target range for the federal funds rate until we have gained greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2 percent,” Mr. Powell said. He added that data earlier this year failed to provide such confidence, but that recent inflation readings “have shown some modest further progress, and more good data would strengthen our confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2 percent.”

  • Synapse Bankruptcy: When a Fintech Isn’t a Bank and Savings Accounts Are Frozen - The New York Times

    Unlike stodgy brick-and-mortar institutions, this group’s pitch is that banking can be downright fun. “Play Games. Win Big,” says Yotta, which features a lottery-like system that boosts returns for some lucky customers. This model is increasingly popular — especially among 20- and 30-somethings — and legal. The rub is that although these start-ups may look and feel like banks, they are not. They simply collect customer money and pass it through financial technology intermediaries like Synapse to old-school banks that may have as few as one physical branch and minimal online presence. The banks, including Evolve Bank & Trust of West Memphis, Ark., according to filings, are the ones that actually manage the depositors’ money.

    If one link breaks in this sequence, it can become intensely complicated for people to access their funds.When it filed for bankruptcy in the spring, Synapse said it had only $2 million of cash on hand and owed multiples of that. Shortly thereafter, account holders at Juno, Yotta and elsewhere, with nearly $300 million in cumulative deposits and no direct relationship with Synapse, could no longer access their money.

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

  • Biden hosts NATO summit with dual tasks: Unite the alliance behind Ukraine and his party behind his candidacy

    President Joe Biden heads into the NATO summit meeting he's hosting in Washington this week with two distinct challenges, neither of them easy. On the international stage, he wants to make a case for preserving global alliances in an era when many populist and nationalist leaders are looking inward, his advisers say. But the tougher task will be on the domestic front, where he'll need to plow through three days of meetings, speeches and dinners — capped by a news conference Thursday — with the vigor and focus that were noticeably absent during his debate with Donald Trump. The summit should be a friendly forum for Biden, who is trying to stave off calls from fellow Democrats to drop out of the presidential race after his poor debate showing. It's happening on his home turf, so he won’t have to grapple with the overseas travel and late hours that he says left him depleted ahead of the debate.

  • Joe Biden Is A Good Man? Please Don’t Insult Our Intelligence – Issues & Insights

    Among the first to tell us just how fine a man Biden was Barack Obama, who called his former vice president “someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life.” It is, of course, a lie. Biden is not a good man, and the idea he’s “fought for ordinary folks” for even a single day of his “public service” is risible.

    The man who occupies the highest office in the world is a pathological liar. We need go no further back than 1987, when he had to drop his campaign for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination because he plagiarized a speech from Neil Kinnock, then a Labor Party member of the British Parliament.

    There are many other self-aggrandizing inventions, such as his claim that he drove an 18-wheel rig; his oft-repeated implication that late son Beau died a war hero in Iraq; that he was a teen civil rights activist and once arrested for standing up for black family that had moved into a neighborhood during desegregation; that he “had the great honor of being arrested with our U.N ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see (Nelson Mandela) on Robben Island,” a total fabrication; that he was the first in his family to go college (yet Biden also said his grandfather was a star college football player); and that he had been nominated to attend the United States Naval Academy.

    The inveterate braggart has also implied that he had an uncle whose last act was to serve as featured guest at a party of cannibals and has told different audiences that he was “brought up by both the Puerto Rican community and the black community,” is “more Jewish than the Jews” and “came close to trying out as a walk-on in the NFL.“

  • How Biden’s inner circle worked to keep signs of his aging under wraps

    Senior White House advisers for more than a year have aggressively stage-managed President Biden’s schedule, movements and personal interactions, as they sought to minimize signs of how age has taken a toll on the oldest president in U.S. history. The White House has limited Biden’s daily itinerary and shielded him from impromptu exchanges. Advisers have restricted news conferences and media appearances, twice declining Super Bowl halftime interviews -- an easy way to reach millions of voters -- and sought to make sure meetings with donors stuck to scripted pleasantries. Senior aides dismissed travel suggestions over worries the president didn’t have the stamina for them, including an idea for Biden to make weekly cross-country trips in 2022 to tout the benefits of his infrastructure law.

  • Colbert: Biden a ‘Great President’ Without a Brain

  • (2022) Fanfare for the First Lady

    The United States Marine Band was instructed last fall to produce an entrance theme exclusively for the first lady, according to a knowledgeable source. The band now has in its repertoire an original and highly unusual composition titled “Fanfare for the First Lady.” It’s Jill Biden's personal “Hail to the Chief,” a source said. Longtime veterans of the U.S. Marine Band have characterized the situation as a first, remarking that they’ve never been asked before to provide a first lady with her own entrance music. Jill Biden’s press secretary, Michael LaRosa, says the story is malarkey. “The first lady does not have a song anybody has written for her specifically. She has no ‘Hail to the Chief’ song.

    The U.S. Marine Band, which did not respond to my request for comment, has already performed “Fanfare for the First Lady” at least twice, including in October of last year for a Teacher of the Year event at the White House.

  • Biden rebels in Congress see their revolt crumbling

    ust before House Democrats' Tuesday morning "come-to-Jesus" meeting on President Biden's path forward, a smaller group of swing-district Democrats held what sources described as a despondent gathering with "actual tears." The bloc of battleground House Democrats is one of the last firm pockets of a rapidly disintegrating movement on Capitol Hill to get Biden off the ticket.

    One House Democrat who was in both meetings said: "Most of our caucus is still with him ... meaning he'll stay in. Which sucks for our country." Going in and out of the meeting, several House Democrats who have previously raised concerns about Biden said they are now with him: "Whether or not I have concerns is besides the point. He is going to be our nominee, and we all have to support him," said Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.).

  • Biden Missed Meeting With German Chancellor to Go to Bed: Report - Business Insider

    President Joe Biden canceled an early evening meeting with the German chancellor Olaf Scholz at the last minute because he had to go to bed, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal. The newspaper reported that the event was an informal gathering in Germany amid the G7 summit in June 2022, and was meant to be a low-key meeting to discuss Ukraine. Two unnamed people who were there told the Journal that Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that Biden would not make an appearance because he had to rest. According to the report, the chancellor and his aides were surprised by Biden's absence and Blinken's appearance.

Law Breaking / Police / Internal Security

  • Canada became a car theft capital of the world

  • Metal Thieves are Stripping America’s Cities - The New York Times

    The lights are going out across American cities, as a result of a brazen and opportunistic type of crime. Thieves have been stripping copper wire out of thousands of streetlights and selling it to scrap metal recyclers for cash. The wiring typically fetches only a few hundred dollars, but blacked-out lights pose safety hazards to drivers and pedestrians, and are costing cities millions to repair. Metal theft has been an urban plague for decades, often rising alongside commodity prices. But the combination of the economic ills and social malaise lingering since the pandemic and soaring demand for metals, especially for copper, has brought this street crime to new levels.

  • What we know about the White nationalist group Patriot Front

    With their faces concealed behind white cloths and sunglasses, dozens of protesters marched down the streets of downtown Nashville this weekend, chanting “Sieg Heil” and “Deportation saves the nation,” according to a statement from the Tennessee Democratic Party. “Reclaim America,” one banner at the front of the group read. Behind it, uniformed marchers in dark shirts and khaki-colored pants hoisted a plethora of Confederate and historic US flags, with some of the American flags turned upside down. Their attire and tactics are hallmarks of the Patriot Front white supremacist group, with which the protesters are believed to be affiliated. And they’re just part of a multifaceted shift in political rhetoric purportedly aiming to drastically reshape America during this crucial presidential election cycle. While “no criminal activity took place” during the Nashville rally, police said, the demonstration drew disdain from local critics.

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania

  • US blocks British court from British territory

    The US government has blocked a British court hearing from taking place on a British territory, citing security concerns, the BBC understands. The supreme court of British Indian Ocean Territory (Biot) was due to hold a hearing this week, attended by the BBC, on whether a group of migrants was being unlawfully detained on the island of Diego Garcia. The US last week withdrew consent for lawyers representing the migrants and the BBC to access the island, and said it would not provide those arriving for the hearing with transport, accommodation or food until its concerns had been addressed, the BBC understands. Late on Thursday night - hours before flights for the first leg of the journey from the UK were due to depart - the court shared with the BBC an order vacating the hearing.

  • AI-Powered Super Soldiers Are More Than Just a Pipe Dream

Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda