


Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • The marketplace of misleading ideas - by Dan Williams

    one of the dominant ways journalists, social scientists, and politicians today attempt to understand epistemic problems in society involves the concept of “misinformation” (or “disinformation”, often defined as “intentional misinformation"). According to this narrative—what I will call the “misinformation narrative”—Western democracies have recently experienced an explosion of misinformation connected primarily to social media, right-wing populist politicians, and foreign (e.g., Russian) influence campaigns. As a result, many citizens are embracing misperceptions—for example, conspiracy theories, election denial, anti-science beliefs, and so on—which are leading them to make bad decisions, such as voting for demagogues, attacking democratic institutions, and rejecting public health advice.

    In a future post, I will return to these questions, focusing on the positive features of open societies. I will also explore how we (those of us who champion the ideals of such societies) might address some of the epistemic challenges.

  • Defamation suit against Fox News by head of dismantled disinformation board tossed by federal judge - Newsday

    The lawsuit from Nina Jankowicz alleged that Fox News had defamed her on numerous occasions, leading to waves of online attacks and threats of violence after the formation of the Disinformation Governance Board, where she served as a director. In rejecting Jankowicz's claims, the judge said that 36 of the 37 statements made on Fox News programs were about the disinformation board and not Jankowicz. The judge ruled that the remaining statement — which was also a reference to the board and not Jankowicz, despite showing an image of her as it was said — was not disinformation because it was a factual statement that matched the wording in the board's own charter describing its purpose.

  • Book Review: ‘The Quiet Damage,’ by Jesselyn Cook - The New York Times

    It started to become clear that the fantastical beliefs associated with QAnon — for instance, that a secret cabal of elites was engaged in widespread sex trafficking of children — were no longer a fringe phenomenon. Many QAnon supporters were among the mob that attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6. As journalists and pundits attempted to parse the movement’s threat to American democracy, Jesselyn Cook, an investigative reporter at NBC News, took on another aspect of QAnon’s rise: the fractured families and relationships it has left in its wake.

Economicon / Business / Finance

TBA 2024 / Democrats Demonstrate "Our Democracy"

  • What Would Kamala Harris Do About Corporate Power?

  • Time for all "not MAGA" folks to come together

    Time for all "not MAGA" folks to come together for KamalaHarris to beat Trump and save our democracy, reject bad values, reject Project 2025 and the dictatorship that Trump loves, all while being a good global citizen. As I said there are democrats, independents, republicans, and then there are MAGA assholes (test: election denialism). Good people on both sides. We should stand together

  • 10 things we're getting wrong about the Biden/Harris swap

    “We need to lower the temperature in our politics.” Sure, right. Watching Republicans spend a week pretending to care about this was pretty rich. "We need to tone down the violent rhetoric. No more hanging Mike Pence, okay? We'll just torture him a little bit until he caves."

    If Dems were to host an open contest for President, it would wind up dominating the news cycle for weeks on end...and introduce a bunch of younger candidates to the American public...and turn the DNC into must watch TV. We can’t have that! Too bad politicos don't understand earned media. We've anointed Kamala cuz she gets Biden's $240M when an open competition between her/Shapiro/Big Gretch/Mayor Pete/etc. woulda dominated media for a month and coulda been worth a $500M+ ad spend. In a way, Dems are leaving money on the table.

    not having primaries is a great way to avoid having to kowtow to the wacko extremists in your base. I’m here for it.

    which doctor treated Trump in Pennsylvania? Does he have a name? Do we ever get to hear from him? Because that note from Doc Ronny (who’s medical license expired due to ordering 34 fentanyl packs, 40 morphine packs and 34 ketamine packs in a nine-month span) was eyebrow-raising. Just saying, I’ve watched enough pro wrestling to know all about “the guy who disappears from view for a moment and then comes back bleeding” move.

Biden Inc

Trump / Right / Jan6


Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda