

Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • The most chilling words today: I’m from NewsGuard and I am here to rate you

    one concern was particularly illuminating: “I cannot find any information on the site that would signal to readers that the site’s content reflects a conservative or libertarian perspective, as is evident in your articles. Why is this perspective not disclosed to give readers a sense of the site’s point of view?”

  • When likes go rogue: advertising standards and the malpractice of unruly social media influencers

    scant attention has been paid to influencer misconduct, especially from a regulatory standpoint. To address this gap, this article presents for the first time a systematic analysis of the UK advertising watchdog’s rulings involving social media influencers. Through qualitative examination, it introduces four new themes, i.e. ‘promo-masquerade’, ‘risk-fluence’, ‘mone-trapment’ and ‘stereo-scripting’, which expand the discourse on influencer transgressions and spotlight distinct areas of regulatory concern. Even though influencers are seen as trustworthy figures in online brand communities, findings expose long-standing issues of non-compliance with established marketing rules. Criticism is directed at the inadequacy of current regulatory emphasis on recognisability of marketing intent alone, advocating instead for a more holistic approach that addresses various dimensions of influencer misconduct. Proposals include the implementation of a robust best practice framework and certification schemes to foster the influencer industry’s maturity and sustainable growth.

TechSuck / Geek Bait

  • Stopping The Cardinal Sin of Colocation Rack Power Sizing - ServeTheHome

    Hearing about people paying for colocation racks by adding up power supply capacity seemed silly when we ran into it in 2016. Since then, we have listened to hundreds of stories of companies doing this. AI servers are changing the game in power in their sheer capacity and the way they often ramp between different power states as a group. Most traditional servers use much less than 100% load figures in daily operation and are unlikely to hit 100% at the same time except in applications like HPC clusters. Provisioning colocation power budgets to equal all installed equipment at 100% load is safe, but it still leaves a lot of room for optimization since many clusters run at 50% or less load.

  • Secure Boot useless on PCs from major vendors after key leak

Economicon / Business / Finance

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

  • The most interesting ballot measures of 2024

    The Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act makes it impossible for cities and counties in California to impose rent control on any housing built after 1995. In 2018, voters rejected a ballot initiative that would’ve overturned the law. In 2020, voters rejected it again. And in 2024, they’ll be voting on it for a third time!

    why is it that California, a state with a housing shortage of 3.5 million units, continues to put rent control on the ballot? A huge part of the answer is Michael Weinstein, the “polarizing nonprofit honcho” who heads the AIDS Healthcare Foundation — a tax-exempt nonprofit that operates healthcare clinics and pharmacies around the world. According to Politico, Weinstein has used his position at the foundation to channel over $100 million of the organization’s profits toward his favored political causes, the largest of which is rent control.

  • The unlikely alliance bringing the tech giants to heel (Archive)

    An alliance of little-known advocacy groups has convinced five states to pass laws to protect kids online and is now making inroads in Washington. Even though the laws are facing legal challenges from a well-resourced tech sector, these advocates have now managed to kick a famously do-little Congress into bipartisan motion: The Senate is expected to pass the Kids Online Safety Act on Tuesday, a bill that would make companies responsible for the ill effects of design features that recommend content and encourage engagement. When the chamber considered a procedural step on the bill Thursday, 86 senators voted to advance the measure. Only Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) opposed it. Senators credited the overwhelming margin to the families.

    now that the issue has gained traction in Washington, the coalition of advocacy groups — Common Sense Media, ParentsTogether, Fairplay, and the Tech Oversight Project, among others — is driving the conversation.

    If the Senate passes the bill, it will be the furthest Congress has come to ending the laissez-faire governance of the internet that has prevailed since the web’s infancy three decades ago. Speaker Mike Johnson has said he’s interested, raising the possibility the bill could become law before the end of the year.

TBA 2024 / Democrats Demonstrate "Our Democracy"

Biden Inc

Trump / Right / Jan6

Law Breaking / Police / Internal Security

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania

  • Russia Warned Austin About Alleged Ukrainian Plot in Private Call - The New York Times

    Now on July 12, Mr. Belousov was calling to relay a warning, according to two U.S. officials and another official briefed on the call: The Russians had detected a Ukrainian covert operation in the works against Russia that they believed had the Americans’ blessing. Was the Pentagon aware of the plot, Mr. Belousov asked Mr. Austin, and its potential to ratchet up tensions between Moscow and Washington? Pentagon officials were surprised by the allegation and unaware of any such plot, the two U.S. officials said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the confidential phone call. But whatever Mr. Belousov revealed, all three officials said, it was taken seriously enough that the Americans contacted the Ukrainians and said, essentially, if you’re thinking about doing something like this, don’t.


  • Adopted US man gains Irish citizenship based on DNA test

  • Sensitive information concerning numerous S. Korean intelligence agents leaked

    According to reports Saturday, the leak, discovered about a month ago, involves confidential data such as the identities and personal information of agents known as "white agents," who operate under diplomatic cover, and "black agents," who conceal their connections to the South Korean government. These agents play crucial roles in intelligence operations, particularly those related to North Korea. Authorities have detected indications that some of the leaked information has reached North Korea, heightening the gravity of the situation.

    The leaked data found on his laptop was subsequently confirmed to have been disseminated externally, making his laptop a conduit for the breach. He has said that his laptop was hacked. However, the presence of classified information on a personal device, which is against protocol, raises serious questions. Military authorities are examining all possible scenarios, including the notion that the data might have been intentionally placed on the laptop to facilitate a hack. The former soldier is reported to have been part of the KDIC's overseas operations department, leading to speculation that he might have needed the information on his personal laptop for undercover missions, as military-issued laptops are not typically used in such operations.

  • Libyan officials jailed over deadly floods

Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda