
Population control took work, Science reinvents souls, media companies spy on us, the money in Python, migrants go Blue, MAGA now equals Apartheid, kids labor for climate



  • DNA stored on crystal could bring back humanity after extinction

  • Why we'll never shoot Earth's garbage into the Sun

  • The Age of Scams | TIME

    In retrospect, Cotelingham says, she should have known it was a scam. The game of law-enforcement telephone made no sense. All the callers had heavy accents. Each instructed her not to tell anyone what she was doing. The bank teller at Truist, where she withdrew the $18,000, asked if Cotelingham was OK, and warned her of scams. Even the Bitcoin machine where she deposited the money had a warning, in big red letters, to beware of scams and fraud.

  • Anti-Natal Engineering

    To reduce South Korea’s birth rate, Park’s government spread a contraceptive mentality and punished childbearing. In its early years, the government placed family planning units in every hospital; promoted vasectomy procedures and the use of condoms and jellies; conducted nationwide training for physicians in new family planning technologies; tripled the number of family planning bureaucrats; and trained physicians in IUD insertion techniques. A family planning bureaucracy was created in the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and in 1961 the government established Planned Parenthood Federation of Korea, a conduit for international aid and domestic propaganda. The Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, longtime advocates of population control, funded advanced Western training to accomplish these goals, including by providing funds to incentivize sterilization.

  • Let foreign airlines fly domestic routes

  • Progress vs "de-growth"

    This is a prescription for re-enslaving women to domestic service, and ensuring that only the wealthy can live with the basic dignity of cleanliness.

  • Flashy office and studio complex in Hollywood may become apartments instead

Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • Hillary Clinton Wants To Jail Americans For ‘Misinformation.’ Let’s Start With Her.

  • Wikipedia Was Never Better Than This – Commentary Magazine

    High-profile controversies, such as the recent one over Wikipedia’s explosion in anti-Zionist disinformation, make it more obvious. Wikipedia’s value is not in its accuracy but in the transparency of its sourcing because when it comes to information, passion always has to answer eventually to knowledge.

    Yesterday, social-media users highlighted the change in Wikipedia’s definition of Zionism. In 2023, it was “a nationalist movement that emerged in the 19th century to espouse support for the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine, a region roughly corresponding to the Land of Israel in Jewish tradition. Following the establishment of Israel, Zionism became an ideology that supports ‘the development and protection of the State of Israel.’”

    Here’s the 2024 (and current) version: “Zionism is an ethno-cultural nationalist movement that emerged in Europe in the late 19th century and aimed for the establishment of a Jewish state through the colonization of a land outside of Europe. It eventually focused on the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, a region corresponding to the Land of Israel in Judaism, and of central importance in Jewish history. Zionists wanted to create a Jewish state in Palestine with as much land, as many Jews, and as few Palestinian Arabs as possible. Following the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 by way of the proclamation of the Israeli Declaration of Independence, Zionism became the ideology supporting the protection and development of Israel as a Jewish state and has been described as Israel’s national or state ideology.”

    When zealots get hold of a supposedly neutral source of information, they must make a public execution of it and parade their victim through the streets. The mutilated corpse of a Wikipedia page isn’t a sign of intellectual inquiry but an indication of a kind of ISIS-of-the-mind.

    No one should be surprised by this: Merriam-Webster changed its dictionary definition of “sexual preference” in 2020 immediately after Democrats attached a stigma to the phrase in order to criticize Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. If an actual reference publication will allow day-to-day partisan politics to dictate its contents, an imitation reference publication will have no qualms about doing so. Wiki see, Wiki do.


Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

  • Does Consciousness Come From a Higher Dimension?

    Despite centuries of scientific study, the nature of consciousness remains a mystery. Theories to explain the phenomenon abound, ranging from neural networks in the brain to complex algorithms of cognition, but none have definitively captured its essence. Michael Pravica, Ph.D., a professor of physics at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, believes that we should be looking at hidden dimensions to explain consciousness. In his view, consciousness has the ability to transcend the physical world in moments of heightened awareness. His concept ties into the theory of hyperdimensionality, or the idea that our universe is not just made up of the three dimensions we perceive. Instead, the universe might actually be part of a much larger nexus with hidden dimensions, Pravica suggests. If this controversial theory turns out to be true, we would have to accept not only that some beings may be residing outside the physical realm, free from the limitations of space and time, but also that our consciousness might have a similar capacity, Pravica claims.

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

TechSuck / Geek Bait

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

Trump / Right / Jan6

  • Musk, Thiel and the shadow of apartheid South Africa

    Elon Musk lived in apartheid South Africa until he was 17. David Sacks, the venture capitalist who has become a fundraiser for Donald Trump and a troll of Ukraine, left aged five, and grew up in a South African diaspora family in Tennessee. Peter Thiel spent years of childhood in South Africa and Namibia, where his father was involved in uranium mining as part of the apartheid regime’s clandestine drive to acquire nuclear weapons. And Paul Furber, an obscure South African software developer and tech journalist living near Johannesburg, has been identified by two teams of forensic linguists as the originator of the QAnon conspiracy, which helped shape Trump’s Maga movement. (Furber denies being “Q”.)

    In short, four of Maga’s most influential voices are fiftysomething white men with formative experiences in apartheid South Africa. This probably isn’t a coincidence. I say that as a fiftysomething white man whose formative experiences include childhood visits to my extended family in apartheid South Africa. (My parents left Johannesburg before I was born.) We’d swim in my grandparents’ pool while the maid and her grandchildren lived in the garage. These experiences were so shocking, so different from anything I experienced growing up in Europe, that they are my sharpest childhood memories.

  • Trump Media shares slide with DJT sale restrictions set to lift

Law Breaking / Police / Internal Security


Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda