
CIA manipulated media, Moldova disinfo, "global majority", decorator deprecation directive, some get "sick days", election security through enforced silence, Trump makes fries, make Earth fabulous

Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • An allostatic regulator for echo chambers on social media

  • Do you think the CIA stopped manipulating the media half a century ago?

    Bernstein's article came out in 1977 and pushed the story into the mainstream. He found that journalists not only wrote the stories the CIA asked them to and presented them to Americans as fact, but they often had very close relationships with intelligence officers. They willingly shared their notebooks and actively collaborated with them to disseminate elaborate lies or to put twists on real stories that made them appear entirely different than they actually were. Berstein also revealed that the CIA was not merely manipulating the foreign press, but the domestic press as well, and went as far as to name the networks, publications, and people who had aided the CIA in their efforts. CBS, Time, the New York Times, the Louisville Courier-Journal, ABC, Reuters, NBC, and the Copley News Service were all working for the CIA and being compensated very well financially for their troubles. George H.W. Bush, then director of the CIA, ordered the agency to cease domestic media manipulation.

  • The Disinformation Warning Coming From the Edge of Europe | WIRED

    Moldova is facing a tide of disinformation unprecedented in complexity and aggression, the head of a new center meant to combat it tells WIRED. And platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Telegram, and YouTube could do more.

Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

  • Global majority: Should the term replace ethnic minority?

    While other terms such as ethnic minority and people of colour are still routinely used, another appears to be building momentum - people of the global majority. Global majority refers to people who are "black, Asian, brown, dual-heritage, indigenous to the global south, and or have been racialised as 'ethnic minorities'" and "represent approximately 80% of the world's population", according to educator and activist Rosemary Campbell-Stephens, who coined the term.

  • Female Mountain Bikers Backflip Their Way to Equality

TechSuck / Geek Bait

AI Will (Save | Destroy) The World

Economicon / Business / Finance

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

Harris / Democrats

  • Facebook censoring broadband claim, despite agreement on facts

    Facebook is now censoring the fact that VP Harris has failed to connect even one person to the Internet despite leading the Administration’s $42 billion infrastructure plan for 1,000+ days. Facebook is labeling this “false information,” not because anyone has been connected—no one has—but because the government has been spending money while not connecting anyone. Worse? The fact checker’s only sources are Biden-Harris officials.

  • How Progressive Overreach Gave Trump His Favorite Attack Ad

    Next to her association with the deeply unpopular Biden presidency, the suite of left-wing stances Harris adopted in that ill-fated effort are still, five years later, the largest obstacles in the path of her presidency. What makes this all so maddening is that those obstacles were placed there by well-meaning progressives.

  • Shouting down the truth

    A group of over 1,700 Democrat fact-checkers on X have pledged to use Community Notes in a strategic effort to prevent Trump supporters from raising potential concerns about election fraud and or election integrity.

  • McDonald’s branch swears employees to secrecy over Kamala Harris’s employment history

    Employees at the franchise in Alameda, California told The Telegraph they had been instructed by bosses not to talk about the vice-president, after claims that she invented her summer job to appear more authentic to voters.

Trump / Right / Jan6

  • Mark Cuban Criticizes Trump's Tariff Plan

  • May Trump burn in hell.

  • ‘The Threat Remains’: Trump’s Path to Overturning a 2024 Defeat - POLITICO

    Four years ago, a sitting president — rejected by American voters — attempted to seize a second term anyway, plunging the nation into confusion, conflict and, in its last gasp, violence. Now, Donald Trump’s political comeback has revived a sense of dread among the officials and institutions who stood in his way last time: Could it happen again? Dozens of interviews with people deeply familiar or involved with the election process point to a clear consensus: Not only could Trump make a second attempt at overturning an election he loses, he and his allies are already laying the groundwork. “The threat remains,” said Tim Heaphy, who led the investigation into Trump’s election subversion efforts for the House’s Jan. 6 select committee. 2024 is not 2020. Trump’s path to pulling it off this time is even narrower and more extreme. For one thing, Trump lacks some of the tools he threatened to wield four years ago to upend the transfer of power; today, the military and Justice Department answer to Joe Biden. Trump also needs allies to win elections that would put them in a position to reverse a defeat: Overturning a Kamala Harris victory would require an enormous amount of help from Republican power brokers in statehouses and Congress, some of whom spurned him four years ago.

  • Trump at McD's: The real proof of Donald Trump’s dementia is that he let his handlers do this to him today without pushing back about what a humiliating idea it was

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania


Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda