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celebrity gossip

  • Verstappen takes his fourth F1 title in Las Vegas

  • We Tracked Every Visitor to Epstein Island

  • Andrew Tate's site ransacked, subscriber data stolen

    The website of self-proclaimed misogynist and alleged sex trafficker and rapist Andrew Tate has been compromised and data on its paying subscribers stolen. His now-ransacked Real World site is where the antagonistic online influencer preaches eyebrow-raising life advice primarily to young disillusioned men. The British-American ex-kickboxer charges subscribers $50 a month with a promise to help make them wealthier, fitter, and more masculine. The site is said to have more than 113,000 active users, and the guy himself has accumulated millions of followers on various social networks, some of which he has been banned and unbanned from.

Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

TechSuck / Geek Bait

  • Old School Tape Loading - by Chris Greening - atomic14

    I got to thinking - I’ve got an ESP32-S3 - it’s got a bunch of ADC converters - what’s stopping me from loading directly from audio data? Standard ZX Spectrum tape loading is pretty easy to understand (there’s a good reference here). The tape data is made up of pulses, where a ‘pulse’ is either a mark or a space, so 2 pulses make up a complete square wave.

  • Oh boy, more personality drama in tech: On "Safe" C++ • Izzy Muerte

    In the WG21 ISO C++ October 2024 mailing, Andrew Tomazos submitted P3403, a paper titled “The Undefined Behavior Question” (which HOOBOY man we’re just knocking it out of the fucking park with possible anti-semitic dog whistles today aren’t we?), and then when you open this goddamned PDF you realize it’s a fucking cleaned up transcript of a ChatGPT conversation.

    About 20 years ago, I suggested in comp.language.c++ on USENET that the committee's refusal to take memory safety seriously constituted material support of terrorism. That really got some people upset, and the posting was removed from USENET, which is hard to do.

AI Will (Save | Destroy) The World

Democrats / Biden Inc

  • Bill Clinton speaks out on allegations staff sabotaged West Wing ahead of George W. Bush taking office.

    Clinton, 78, fumed in his new memoir “Citizen: My Life After The White House” that he “didn’t know” about the “mischief.” “The whole thing bothered me because I had made it clear that I wanted a smooth, cooperative transition and we had done exactly that,” he wrote. “Within a few days some people finally went on the record to say that either no damage had occurred or that the allegations of ‘W’ mischief were greatly exaggerated.”

Left Angst

  • The age of the partial outsider

    The optimal position in life is that of the partial outsider. That is, someone handicapped enough in a given milieu to see things others might miss, but not so alien as to be unable to work the system. Not all partial outsiders leave a mark, no, but a disproportionate share of those who leave a mark qualify as partial outsiders. Isn’t Donald Trump exhibit A? He is New York but not Manhattan, urban but not urbane, rich but from the construction game rather than from genteel finance. He grew up close enough to the elite to know its frailties, and far enough to itch with resentment at the little slights that are the lot of the not-quite-pukka. I once thought it would be the downfall of modern populism that its leaders were silver-spoon pretenders. Now I see that an authentic Everyperson, a Pierre Poujade type, wouldn’t know how to bend the establishment against itself. Boris Johnson (Etonian but never rich) and Nigel Farage (privately schooled but not a graduate) emphatically do

  • Trump and Sanders Are Wrong to Want to Cap Credit Card Interest Rates - Bloomberg

    When Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump agree on something, it’s a sign that trouble is afoot. And last week, the senator from Vermont said that he would gladly work with the president-elect to cap credit card interest rates at 10%, a promise Trump made during the campaign. Their complaint is simple: Americans who have to pay 20% or 30% interest on their credit card debt are being ripped off. Those rates do sound unjust, but imposing a cap would just make things worse — for borrowers more so than banks.

  • RFK Jr. may cut Medicare payments to doctors for surgeries

  • Why Elon Musk can never balance the budget, in one chart

  • University Responds to Potential Immigration Challenges Under Trump Admin

    “The threat that seems to be most immediate is against immigrants and refugees, some of whom are in Middletown, some of whom are at Wesleyan, and that’s what I’m most concerned about initially,” President Michael Roth ’78 said. “But thereto how exactly the policies will be implemented and how the states will have a say in those policies, if they have a say, and then how institutions might protect the most vulnerable students, faculty, and staff and their families, that all remains to be seen. That is definitely on our mind here, the minds of the people who are running this university.”

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania