
trademark beige, advocating ignorance, weaponizing bullshit, UK needs more Musk, hardware faults, debanked founders for acceptable AI, Harris was doomed, beat them calm, Ruble rubble, simu-flim-flam


  • For Love of God, Make Your Own Website - Aftermath

    “We were already long overdue for a return to websites we control, rather than feeds manipulated by tech oligarchs,” Molly White from Web3 Is Going Great! told me. “Now that they’ve made it clear how eager they are to help usher in authoritarianism, I think it will only become more painfully clear how important sovereign websites are to protecting information and free expression.”


Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • How the far right is weaponising AI-generated content in Europe

    From fake images designed to cause fears of an immigrant “invasion” to other demonisation campaigns targeted at leaders such as Emmanuel Macron, far-right parties and activists across western Europe are at the forefront of the political weaponisation of generative artificial intelligence technology. In virtually every case, far-right parties and movements have eschewed the use of any sort of watermarking or identifier on the AI images, according to experts. “What we are seeing is the tip of the iceberg because what is coming from individuals and beyond the official channels is even worse,” said Salvatore Romano, the head of research at the nonprofit AI Forensics, which examined the output of parties including France’s National Rally, Reconquête and Les Patriotes.

  • Online influencers need 'urgent' fact-checking training, warns Unesco


Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

TechSuck / Geek Bait


Democrats / Biden Inc

  • Kamala Harris Campaign Aides Suggest Campaign Was Just Doomed

    Harris couldn’t have distanced herself from President Joe Biden, they said, because she was loyal. She couldn’t have responded more forcefully to attacks over trans rights, because doing so would have been playing Trump’s game. And she might not have had much chance of winning anyway, given the deficit she inherited from Biden when he dropped out of the race in July.

  • Harris 2028! | National Review

Left Angst

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania

  • T-Mobile Engineers Spotted Hackers Running Commands on Routers

  • Sally Paine outlines how America should deal with the “quartet of chaos”

    The second cold war began with Xi Jinping’s accession to power, Vladimir Putin’s disposal of term limits in 2012 and Russia’s ingestion of 7% of Ukraine in 2014. Both leaders have signalled that international norms no longer matter and they have deepened their relations with Iran and North Korea, portending a hostile alliance variously known as CRINK, the axis of upheaval or the quartet of chaos. In 2025, how should America respond to it? Each of the four seeks international successes to vindicate different power paradigms. Mr Putin wants to conquer Ukraine to prove Russia’s greatness. Mr Xi aims to maintain the Communist Party’s power monopoly by rallying nationalism to take Taiwan. In North Korea, Kim Jong Un is building a nuclear arsenal to retain his throne. Ali Khamenei wants to vindicate his brand of Islam by extending Iran’s regional domination.

  • China releases three US citizens held for years in prisoner swap


Health / Medicine

Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda