
CIA "astral travel", vexing disinfo, Musk manufacturing, NYT blasphemes, video game angst, J. Edgar's rectitude, more Baltic cable cuts, Russia did it, FDA tests, Pfizer "blocked" weight loss drugs


Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • The Guardian view on digital media: the case for better regulation must be made | Editorial | The Guardian

    In November 2020, shortly after Donald Trump’s defeat in the US presidential election, Barack Obama observed that America risked entering “an epistemological crisis”. The prospect of Mr Trump’s return to the White House in January validates his predecessor’s premonition. r Obama was talking about media fragmentation and polarisation: different segments of society existing in discrete information spaces; arguments no longer drawn from a common reservoir of facts; no shared reality, no foundation of truth. “Then by definition the marketplace of ideas doesn’t work,” he said. “And by definition our democracy doesn’t work.” t isn’t only American democracy that is imperilled. Chaos and malicious falsehood in the information arena have disrupted politics in every country where governments are chosen in free elections. Political discourse has coarsened and consensus unravelled wherever constitutional frameworks and informally recognised codes of decency once maintained healthy pluralism.

  • Jonathan Rauch on Disinformation

    we should think of disinformation as engaging in tactics to mess with our minds, to manipulate us. It is more like a verb. Bad actors use lies, half-truths, and propaganda to gain power or achieve other goals. Such misbehavior is not unique to social media, although with low cost and weak guardrails, the apps do invite bad actors. onsider what we are learning about how President Biden’s entourage hid his age-related impairment. I regard this as a prime example of disinformation activities that relied very little, if at all, on social media.

    Even if populism suffers from the ignorance of the masses, I do not think that is our worst problem. I think that our society suffers primarily because of the shortcomings of the elites. Their intellectual fads, conformity, and arrogance do much more damage than MAGA.


  • Elon Musk followers turn on him as he backs importing super talented engineers

  • Tesla wants to kill EV incentives in US because of Musk

  • The Musk-Led Manufacturing Revolution Nobody Is Talking About | ZeroHedge

    When most analysts discuss Tesla, they focus on new vehicles or the electric vehicle company’s advancements in autonomy. Yet, according to Launch i/o CEO Jeff Lutz, one of the most significant—and under-discussed—developments at Tesla is happening not in its design studios or on the road, but in its factories. Lutz, a former executive at Google and Motorola, argues that Tesla’s true innovation isn’t just the electric vehicles or robots it’s building, but how those products are being made. The company’s first-principles approach to manufacturing is a radical departure from the industry norm, focusing not just on cheap labor or existing models, but on rethinking the entire production process. Tsla is creating factories that are the product—designing, testing, and perfecting every element just as they do with their cars. This focus on manufacturing efficiency, Lutz believes, will lead to a dramatic reduction in production costs, potentially bringing them closer to zero. And this shift in how products are built—rather than merely assembled—could set a new standard for the entire manufacturing world.

Electric / Self Driving cars

Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

  • The birth of Jesus would probably have been forgotten if it wasn't for a plague

  • Opinion | The Virgin Birth That Maybe Wasn’t - The New York Times

    So let’s go back to the Nativity. Of the four gospels, two describe the virgin birth of Jesus and two don’t mention it. The Gospel of Mark has people of Galilee referring to Jesus as the son of Mary, when the norm was to describe somebody as the son of his father. So did the neighbors growing up with Jesus regard him as fatherless? We don’t know. Mark is the earliest gospel written; Matthew and Luke are basically just revising it. Mark has no suggestion of a virgin birth. Instead, he says that neighbors called Jesus “son of Mary.” In an intensely patriarchal society, this suggests that Jesus had no father that anyone knew about, even one deceased. Yet even without a partner, Mary has lots of children: In Mark, Jesus has four other brothers, and some sisters, with no recognized father and no genealogy.

    You note that Matthew and Luke both borrowed heavily from Mark’s account but also seem embarrassed by elements of it, including the paternity question. Is your guess that they added the virgin birth to reduce that embarrassment? Yes, but this is not just my guess. When Matthew and Luke set out to revise Mark, each added an elaborate birth story — two stories that differ in almost every detail. Matthew adds a father named Joseph, who, seeing his fiancée pregnant, and not with his child, decides to break the marriage contract. Luke, writing independently, pictures an angel astonishing a young virginal girl, announcing that “the Holy Spirit” is about to make her pregnant.

    this is the classic “no independence” assumption—that Matthew and Luke are just riffing on Mark (and perhaps the hypothetical Q gospel) without offering any independent historical insight. But here’s at least one problem: Luke explicitly claims to have done his homework, gathering information from eyewitnesses (Luke 1:1-4). nd if Luke traveled with Paul, as the evidence strongly suggests (see the “we” sections of Acts), he would’ve had opportunities to talk to people in Jerusalem who knew the story firsthand, including James, Jesus’ own brother. (See Acts 21:8) Mary herself could have still been alive and available for interviews. Why treat Matthew and Luke as mere copy-paste jobs and totally fictional where they diverge from Mark?

  • Consciousness Can Connect with the Whole Universe

Info Rental / ShowBiz / Advertising

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

Left Angst

Health / Medicine