
moving costs, mouse tape, tech layoffs, Texan debt, "less restrictive" Fed, Dems tricked on economy, Trump insufficiently Hitler-ish, 60% overhead is fine, voters too young to drink, rocket pollution


Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

Economicon / Business / Finance

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making


  • How Democrats Were Tricked Into Believing the Economy Was Strong - POLITICO

    Before the presidential election, many Democrats were puzzled by the seeming disconnect between “economic reality” as reflected in various government statistics and the public’s perceptions of the economy on the ground. Many in Washington bristled at the public’s failure to register how strong the economy really was. They charged that right-wing echo chambers were conning voters into believing entirely preposterous narratives about America’s decline. What they rarely considered was whether something else might be responsible for the disconnect — whether, for instance, government statistics were fundamentally flawed. What if the numbers supporting the case for broad-based prosperity were themselves misrepresentations? What if, in fact, darker assessments of the economy were more authentically tethered to reality?

Left Angst

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania
