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  • Will Boom Successfully Build a Supersonic Airliner?

    There are lots of comparisons to Concorde, the British-French supersonic airliner that failed in part due to high ticket prices and limited numbers of routes. I see plenty of speculation about how big the supersonic airliner market is, and whether Boom can overcome Concorde’s failures. But in my mind the biggest questions are #1–3. Before Boom deals with the market risk of building a viable business, it needs to work through the technical risk of building the actual airliner.1 Building commercial aircraft and jet engines are some of the most difficult things that civilization accomplishes, and I expect trying to do both at the same time will be very difficult indeed. How well Boom executes its development program will have a huge impact on whether or not it has a viable business: the cheaper development is, and the more successful Boom is at achieving low manufacturing cost and high fuel efficiency, the easier it becomes to operate profitably.

    The long and short of it is that bringing a new commercial aircraft to market is extremely difficult and expensive. New aircraft development cost billions or tens of billions of dollars, and final costs are often multiple times initial estimates.


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  • Time Trouble | OS/2 Museum

    For some (but not all) files, the dir command in cmd shows timestamps that are off by an hour compared to timestamps shown by Explorer or PowerShell. How is this possible? And is either of those timestamps even correct? A friend soon pointed me in the right direction: Daylight Saving Time, or DST. Now it’s early March, and for files last written in recent months, the timestamps matched between cmd and Explorer. For older files, they did not. The same pattern repeated for older files last written in previous years. Files written in winter had matching timestamps, files written in summer did not. The effect is observable on Windows 10 and 11, as well as older versions going back to Windows 7. Windows Vista and previous releases do not exhibit this behavior—Explorer and cmd show consistent (but wrong!) times.

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