
lunar eclipse, eugenics by any other name, Musk mischief, school waste, WaPo fuss, new homes cost big, loans to kids, "rule out" recession?, fuel tanker fire, Romania democracy safe, power we aint got



Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering


Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

  • DOGE Makes Another Bombshell Discovery – PJ Media

    During 2020-2021, the Small Business Administration handed out 5,593 loans totaling $312 million to "business owners" who were 11 years old or younger. That's right — while our kids were stuck in Zoom school, we’re supposed to believe that a bunch of their classmates were apparently running multimillion-dollar enterprises. Even better, these pint-sized entrepreneurs all used Social Security numbers that didn't match their names. Totally legit, right? Remember, this was during the pandemic, and, according to Fox News Digital, it is “unclear what they were used for.” But wait; there's more! The SBA wasn't content just funding kindergarten startups — they also approved 3,095 loans worth $333 million to borrowers over 115 years old. One particularly industrious 157-year-old scored a cool $36,000.


  • Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick on recession risk and tariffs

  • Restoring Public Service Loan Forgiveness

    As President of the United States, I have a duty to protect, preserve, and defend the Constitution and our national security, which includes ending the subsidization of illegal activities, including illegal immigration, human smuggling, child trafficking, pervasive damage to public property, and disruption of the public order, which threaten the security and stability of the United States. Accordingly, it is the policy of my Administration that individuals employed by organizations whose activities have a substantial illegal purpose shall not be eligible for public service loan forgiveness.

  • Trump Transportation Department to prioritize birth rates in doling out projects amid declining fertility - Washington Examiner

    Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy, the father of nine children, released an undated memo saying the department will act on “sound economic principles” while maximizing benefits for families, representing a new direction for the agency and a new way of thinking about federal projects. Duffy’s memo indicates that environmental concerns will be given less emphasis, which was expected given the switch from a Democratic to a Republican administration, but the eyebrow-raising line spells out that places with more marriages and babies will get a leg up when applying for DOT projects. DOT will “give preference to communities with marriage and birth rates higher than the national average,” the memo reads, a 14-word phrase that set off alarms across Washington, D.C.

    Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) called it “deeply frightening” and something the Chinese Communist Party might do, while Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) dubbed it “disturbingly dystopian,” according to the Associated Press. Kevin DeGood, a housing and infrastructure policy expert at the Center for American Progress, said the move was “bizarre and a little creepy.”

Left Angst

Law Breaking / Police / Internal Security

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania


Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda