
"the metronome of hypocracy is the clock signal of the hive mind"


Believe it or not, even when everything you read is a lie, you can reason your way to the truth. Or at least know sort of the shape of the truth and where it’s hiding.

The Purge

Censorship? More of an armada. At least they want us to think that.

  • Statement From Second City Cop | HeyJackass! HeyJackass!

    And this [tipoff] – on the heels of Big Tech’s wholesale attack on the President, Parler and center-right to right-leaning authors, politicians and voices – pointed to a countdown that had far less time than we had thought. Most likely, far less time than you think, too. The blacklisting has begun, even if you won’t see it. You should – the wholesale abandonment of the President, the denunciations, the, “I wasn’t really with him” self-serving statements. Sound familiar? It should…if you have any recollections of the show trials behind the Iron Curtain, in Southeast Asia, in assorted Middle East kleptocracies.

    Disavowal and re-education is on tap. What Senator McCarthy is remembered for – “Are you now or have you ever been…” has been twisted, refined (Bake that cake!), and exacerbated (Parler is only the first of many). They don’t want “unity.” They want Compliance and as the last fifteen years have shown, we aren’t really good at compliance. The amount of personal data available to “woke companies” who would deny commerce or service based on beliefs, contributions, investments (not Green enough!), social media posting, employment (cops not welcome here), bumper stickers – Have you heard of Operation Choke Point? Look it up and imagine it drilled down to individual citizens. Orwell’s 1984? It’s here.

  • Telegram, a recent haven for the far right, purges extremist content

  • Chrissie Mayr: NY Comics Making a ‘List’ of Pro-Trump Stand-Ups - Hollywood in Toto

  • TaxProf Blog

  • Twitter blocks Russian Sputnik V vaccine account

Capitol Siege


Words like "ethics" and "principles" mean something different to me than these folks, apparently.

  • On the subject of ethics in our industry

    These are the official policies of SourceHut: we condemn white nationalism, Donald Trump, and the supporters of both. We affirm that we value human rights, the democratic process, and the judicial process. We assert the rights and value of all people, of all nationalities, races, ethnicities, sexual preferences, gender identities, disabilities, religions, and economic classes. We will defend anyone who would speak up in support of these ideals. We will not do business with anyone who does not recognize and embody these truths.

    We think it’s repugnant that our peers don’t demonstrate the same values. We think that you, the customer, should reward businesses that commit to upholding these values with your patronage, and withhold it from those which will not.

    • Clarified in discussion: https://lists.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss/%3CfaFmBHWTBbMkA8x8iTLj4srJ4wlAXXKoOQKOAk5ZXI%40cp3-web-024.plabs.ch%3E

      There are not going to be political purges of SourceHut users, but we will not tolerate bigotry, and should we discover that any of our users are affiliated with organizations who do not uphold our values, we will ask them to leave.

      I'm going to shut down the discussion list for now, because I do not expect this to be productive. If you agree with the virtues we proclaimed today, then please spread the word to others. If you disagree, kindly show yourself the door.