

Inauguration Riots

It’s not just the NG. My son was ordered to vet his active duty troops for participants in Trump rallies and report back. This is Fort Bragg.

@JackPosobiec WH source: The NRA, Turning Point USA & Patriot Guard Riders are three of many non-militia groups on the list CID / FBI are using to cross reference in vetting for potential "extremists"

Capitol Seige / Sacking / Insurrection

  • HN comment re "CHAZ was different!"

What would you call the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone if not an attempt at insurrection? Come on, can we have some intellectual honesty here? Both situation sucked, the people involved sucked, their reasoning sucked and they should all go to jail so that sane people can get back to their lives in peace. We are being forced into building absurd logical houses of cards just so we do not concede an inch to the other side. What childish madness.
