

I have empirically determined that very few company situations
actually give a shit about whether someone is bad at their job.

DC Siege / Inauguration Riots

(Instapundit comment)

So. Armed protesters are showing up all over the place, and they are NOT pick-up-after-ourselves Trump supporters. An overlapping lot of Antifa, BLM, and boogalooers. https://www.zerohedge.com/p...

Meanwhile the Nat Guard soldiers in DC, drawn from states all over the country for no apparent reason, are having all live ammo taken away, ostensibly because suddenly someone's afraid they might Sadat Biden.

2+2 just added up again. I think someone may be setting the disarmed from-everywhere Nat Guardsmen to be slaughtered, as a pretext for a serious effort to disarm us all.

...man i hope not.


"Because I gave an earlier speech [at the rally], I am a witness and therefore unable to participate in court or in the Senate chamber," Giuliani said.

Trump never really threatened a coup, which is a swift and irregular transfer of power from one executive to another, where force or the threat of force installs a new leader with the support of the military.

By objecting to the outcome of the election, Trump highlighted aspects of the process that many Americans were previously unaware of, ironically ensuring the public is better informed about the mechanics and details of American elections. In that way, he may have, paradoxically, made American democracy stronger.

If prosecutors or Congress let Trump off the hook, they may be the ones breaking new and dangerous ground, truly shattering the rule of law that underpins American democracy.
