

  • On Sperging Out — Acko.net

    One conclusion is that it is a perfect environment for social predators, especially those with cluster B disorders such as narcissism and borderline. The platforms reward attention-seeking, and thrive on gossip and hearsay. Users trade publicly in reputation rather than facts. The lack of logic in seizing control of an organization when you detest its founders' ideas makes this clear: it's not about the principles, but about grabbing power and funding.

    Social media also encourages these behaviors even for those not predisposed to it, simply through monkey-see-monkey-do. The notion of activists as "social script kiddies" is particularly relevant here: people might not realize it, but they are often acting out thinly disguised scripts for emotional abuse, even cult indoctrination. Just fill in the blanks and let it rip. Worse is that it also forces opponents to adopt a systematic way of countering it: zero tolerance for such shenanigans anywhere, classement verticale, into the trash it goes.

  • Hills are alive with the sound of white supremacy -


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