

  • The forgotten medieval fruit with a vulgar name - BBC Future

  • http://disq.us/p/2g0pq7l

    Deep in my black little libertarian heart I'm enjoying the mockery that's being made of our federal government by everyone involved. It must be painful to watch for anyone who worships Big Government. Whether it's Congress, the presidency, the Derp State agencies, the lawyers and lobbyists and mega corps who write the laws and pay off the people who claim to be in charge but don't want any responsibility for anything.. They've all been exposed for the fools and tools they are.

    Some might argue that the antics in Washington leave us open to attack by our foreign enemies, but I suspect that China, Russia, et al. have been paying closer attention than most of us, and have probably known for a long time that we live with a government that's half kleptocracy -- our government can be bought, our enemies like that and take advantage of it -- and half kakistocracy. What saves us from our foreign enemies is the very incompetence and insanity of our government. Our allies have long complained about the inconsistency and unpredictability of our government but it's got to be even worse for our enemies. It's like dealing with a drunk or someone who's profoundly insane, they never know what will set the US off and the response to any provocation might be all out of proportion.

    That no one even knows who has their finger on the Big Red Button makes it even more difficult. Is some General Jack D. Ripper 10 minutes from launch, or is it Pedo Joe, who would call a lid and go back to bed if America and/or our allies came under attack?

    Here at home, who could have predicted six months ago that the Republican Senate Majority Leader would take to the podium to tell all 75 million Republican voters -- far and away the most who have ever turned out to vote for a Republican president -- to go to hell? Who could possibly have predicted that most of Congress -- on both sides of the aisle -- would be so desperate to be rid of the most popular president in recent history that they'd commit or condone massive, right in our faces vote fraud and then throw up a razor wire-topped fence guarded by military troops around the capitol while they hope to brazen it out?

    The border is open, the schools are closed, and the capitol is fortified. The heads of our National Institutes of Health are funding Chinese biowarfare labs -- just waiting for the next shoe to drop there -- our president is non compose mentis, our institutes of higher education and our corporate media are circling the bowl, Hollywood is bereft of any shred of creativity and existing on remakes of 1930s comic books, our big cities are under attack by mostly peaceful mobs abetted by our blue state governments, the police are being defunded, the prisons are being emptied, and the powers-that-be think it would be a great idea to confiscate all our guns, our Department of Homeland security has declared anyone who questions government authority a domestic terrorist, we're witnessing the biggest Free Shit giveaway in world history, and that's just the highlights.

    We live in interesting times..


Media / Many Ministries of Truths
