

  • On vaccines, lies, and Auschwitz - by Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths

  • Truth, Status, and Tribes - by Erik Torenberg - Erik Torenberg's Thoughts

    Yes, the crazier a bonding ideology is — the further away it is from objective reality — the more powerful it is in forming tribes. Why? The crazier the idea, or the crazier the stuff one does in order to get into the tribe, the more it proves one’s loyalty to the group by shutting off their other available options. Because defection is so common, this is significant. After all, if loyalty is just a social contract between convenience and utilitarian calculation, logic tells you to look for a better deal down the road. Then by backward induction, you say: “well, if there’s a better deal down the road, better for me to defect now”. If all societies followed this thinking, they’d crumble pretty quickly. So if you don’t want societies to fall apart, and if you want something larger than a tribe and a family, you’re going to need people doing crazy stuff that burns their boats to other options to prove their loyalty. You need people showing you they have no other place to go, no other tribe to join.

Culture War / Re segregation / Identdoctrination

  • Defining Transformative Justice | Save the Kids

    Transformative justice not only looks at the crime of burglary, but also why the boy committed the act. Was the boy kicked out of his home from a parent who was homophobic? Was the boy needing money for food, clothes, or a place to stay? Was he trying to get money to help his younger sister who is also homeless? These questions are addressed in order to understand the whole context, which, unfortunately, involves a great deal of injustice. Our society oppresses and marginalizes those who are poor and queer. Consequently, there are two victims within this scenario—the store owner who was robbed, and the 14 year old boy is a victim of wider systemic injustice. This is a clear example of how the systems approach of transformative justice breaks down common barriers between victim and offender, creates a much wider understanding of abuse and violence, and tries to bring everyone together in a transformative relationship.

  • A ‘safe space for racists’: antisemitism report criticises social media giants

Media / Many Ministries of Truths / Censorship

Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda