

  • One Bad Apple - The Hacker Factor Blog

    However, after multiple requests (spanning years), I never got past the NDA step. Twice I was sent the NDA and signed it, but NCMEC never counter-signed it and stopped responding to my status requests. (It's not like I'm a little nobody. If you sort NCMEC's list of reporting providers by the number of submissions in 2020, then I come in at #40 out of 168. For 2019, I'm #31 out of 148.)

    I understand the problems related to CSAM, CP, and child exploitation. I've spoken at conferences on this topic. I am a mandatory reporter; I've submitted more reports to NCMEC than Apple, Digital Ocean, Ebay, Grindr, and the Internet Archive. (It isn't that my service receives more of it; it's that we're more vigilant at detecting and reporting it.) I'm no fan of CP. While I would welcome a better solution, I believe that Apple's solution is too invasive and violates both the letter and the intent of the law. If Apple and NCMEC view me as one of the "screeching voices of the minority", then they are not listening.

  • Contra Drum On The Fish Oil Story - by Scott Alexander - Astral Codex Ten

    Maybe a really harsh way to say this would be that Drum feels like it’s unfair to treat this story as a condemnation of the FDA, because it was a perfectly ordinary example of everything going as expected. I think it’s absolutely a condemnation of the FDA, for the same reason.

Culture War / Re segregation / Identdoctrination

Media / Many Ministries of Truths / Censorship


Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda