

  • Powering the Lunar Base – Casey Handmer's blog

    I also looked into mounting solar panels on a very tall tower, similar to a radio mast. These are strong, light, and tall, so perhaps there was some trade between aluminium tower sections and panels that could put the panels high enough that they’d never be shaded, even in the depths of Lunar winter, and thus avoid more batteries than the 2 hours or so necessary to endure a Lunar eclipse.

    Unfortunately, it turns out that the minimum altitude necessary to avoid any shading is 2750 m, rather taller than any structure ever built on Earth.


  • The Problem with Perceptual Hashes

    Perceptual hashes are messy. The simple fact that image data is reduced to a small number of bits leads to collisions and therefore false positives. When such algorithms are used to detect criminal activities, especially at Apple scale, many innocent people can potentially face serious problems.

  • Details Of The Infant Fish Oil Story - by Scott Alexander - Astral Codex Ten

    My problem is: doing anything in medicine is illegal until you clear a giant hurdle. To clear the hurdle, you have to pay millions (sometimes billions) of dollars, fill in thousands of pages of forms, conduct a bunch of studies that can be sabotaged for reasons like “this drug is too good so it would be unethical to have a control group”, and wait approximately ten years. You have to clear this hurdle to do anything, even the most obviously correct actions. Everything starts out illegal, and then a tiny set of possible actions is exempted from the general illegality. The easiest name for this hurdle is “the FDA”, since they’re the agency charged with enforcing it.


Culture War / Re segregation / Identdoctrination

Security / Militaria