

  • The WWW is 30 years old today

  • Supporting half-precision floats is really annoying

    there are actually (at least) two half-precision float formats. All take up 16 bits in memory, but differ in how they allocate those bits to significand and exponent.

    • ... and that's just the beginning

    Other GPU applications respect any or all or CUDA_HOME, CUDA_PATH, and CUDA_ROOT. And, to my great regret, now Futhark does as well.


  • Adumbrations Of Aducanumab - by Scott Alexander - Astral Codex Ten

    While I acknowledge that aducanumab probably sucks, I think the Atlantic article and its global warming metaphor are totally off base. Nobody in the “FDA is too strict” camp has written a rebuttal yet, so I want to try my hand at this.

    A bunch of laboratories, universities, and health care groups came up with COVID tests before the virus was even in the US, and were 100% ready to deploy them. But when the US declared that the coronavirus was a “public health emergency”, the FDA announced that the emergency was so grave that they were banning all coronavirus testing, so that nobody could take advantage of the emergency to peddle shoddy tests. Perhaps you might feel like this is exactly the opposite of what you should do during an emergency? This is a sure sign that you will never work for the FDA.

Media / Many Ministries of Truths / Censorship
