




  • How Warhammer 40k explains human psychology: The Worst Story Ever - by Carlos - The Presence of Everything

  • 'Six Days in Fallujah' is an Arab murder simulator, critics say

  • Them who never read economics are doomed to recreate it from scratch: Farmers of the Internet - by Pr0ph3t - Theofuturism

    We all know how to practically approach the Web3 world as a casino. Since you're reading this, I can safely assume you're at least familiar with the process if you haven't already taken the plunge yourself. Load up a brand new crypto wallet, hit Twitter or Coinbase or Opensea, ape, repeat process until moon or broke. But I am beginning to see recent developments that signal a change, as a new type of crypto native seems to point to a totally different emerging economy. Decentralized finance, which allows for a holder's tokens to be "yield farmed" through smart contract lending, has allowed income streams to be generated for those with the patience to lock up their tokens.
