

celebrity gossip

Culture War / Re segregation / Identdoctrination

  • Mobile internet and political polarization

    after gaining access to 3G internet, Democratic voters became more liberal in their political views and increased their support for Democratic congressional candidates and policy priorities, while Republican voters shifted in the opposite direction. This increase in polarization largely did not take place among social media users. Instead, following the arrival of 3G, active internet and social media users from both parties became more pro-Democratic, whereas less-active users became more pro-Republican. This divergence is partly driven by differences in news consumption between the two groups: after the arrival of 3G, active internet users decreased their consumption of Fox News, increased their consumption of CNN, and increased their political knowledge. Polarization also increased due to a political realignment of voters: wealthy, well-educated people became more liberal; poor, uneducated people—more conservative.

  • State Street bank staff must get special approval to hire white men

  • Astronomer retracts paper on use of data to make hiring decisions because it could harm ‘women and minorities.’

Media / Many Ministries of Truths / Censorship

  • Science Publisher Retracts 44 Papers for Being Utter Nonsense

    The publisher Springer Nature was forced to retract over 40 papers from its Arabian Journal of Geosciences after realizing they were nothing more than garbled jargon.

    Some titles of the farkakte research: “Simulation of sea surface temperature based on non-sampling error and psychological intervention of music education”; “Distribution of earthquake activity in mountain area based on embedded system and physical fitness detection of basketball”; “The stability of rainfall conditions based on sensor networks and the effect of psychological intervention for patients with urban anxiety disorder.

    • "farkakte": An alternative spelling of the Yiddish word verkakte that can mean either goddamn or crappy - the literal translation is "becrapped".
  • Newspaper is cutting back on print, training readers to use iPads instead


  • Apple’s New Screen Repair Trap Could Change the Repair Industry Forever | Hacker News

  • What is AT&T doing at 1111340002?

    AT&T is not the only operator to use pro-active SIMs to send automatic SMS back to their network. They are given here only as an example. The point here is that the cellphone literally has a mind of its own, in fact multiple “minds”, including in the SIM. These various minds might not even be talking to each other, and just because a phone did something, that doesn’t mean that user caused it.

  • Ask HN: How is the “metaverse” concept different from the Second Life boom | Hacker News

  • Zillow Just Gave Us A Look At Machine Learning's Future - by Vin Vashishta - High ROI Data Science

    Zillow didn’t realize they needed to prepare their customers for the new business model. Their machine learning models were disconnected from their customers. Their pricing predictions were not within the margin of error. Customers only accepted Zillow’s offers 5% of the time. 95% of customers were unserved and a substantial number of them were unsatisfied.

    The Data Science team didn’t go to the lengths necessary to support their models. That was their failing. However, the business is ultimately responsible for betting the farm without demanding a real world track record to support those models. Their quest for cheap, quick growth relying on unproven technology is an old story of tragedy. I don’t see their senior leadership surviving this intact.

  • The return of the Turbo button • The Register

    Enter the 21st century turbo button. All the lucky new owner of one of these boxes has to do is go into its firmware, enable the Legacy Game Compatibility Mode option, reboot, and then, when you press Scroll Lock, your PC will gently anesthetize its efficiency cores. Result? The game will only see the high-performance ones and work fine.

    In other words, the newly repurposed key actually turns off the whizz-bang hybrid-chip feature – a little like the way a 1980s turbo button actually slowed your CPU down so you could play Alley Cat or Maniac Mansion. Technology: innit marvelous, eh? ®
