

  • When They Honk People Off – According To Hoyt

    > Look, the problem we have here is that the left today is a
    > religion. It’s a religion that buys into a system that
    > explains EVERYTHING and promises glory to those who embrace
    > it. There’s only one small problem: it has no contact
    > whatsoever with reality. As a religion, it’s at the level of
    > the People’s Temple: a scam run by corrupt paranoiacs on the
    > vulnerable.
  • Furiosa’s Cat Feeder – Blondihacks

    The reason for using 1/8″ steel is that the resulting box will be so heavy as to be utterly out of the question for an 8lb mammal to effect change upon it in 3D space.


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Health / Medicine

  • Why does my diet soda taste ‘off’? – Food Science Institute

    Officially, aspartame has a half-life of about 300 days in solution at about pH 4, about the pH of soft drinks, but half life means that half if it as gone by that time. And if the cans are exposed to a hot storeroom or stored in a warm summer garage, they may deteriorate faster.

    If you unzip aspartame into the two amino acids and remove that methyl to become methanol, you have a tasteless mixture of pretty harmless compounds. Your body easily metabolizes that bit of methyl alcohol and you are none the worse for it.