

  • Gen X marks the spot - by Antonio García Martínez

    Not only are Gen Xers the last good generation, but also one in the uniquely weird situation of getting spit-roasted by the power and moral opprobrium of its bracketing generations (as Rogan is now). Gen X went from flipping off the censorious Boomers to losing their jobs thanks to the even more inquisitorial Millennials, a sandwich generation of freedom between slices of pious sermonizing. We went from Tipper Gore wanting to censor lyrics and a chorus of warnings about the evils of video games and Dungeons & Dragons, to blue-haired Twitter blue-checks wanting to cancel podcasts and while going on about the society-ending threat of ‘misinformation’ like North Korean apparatchiks.

    the Millennial-and-below generations have had their brains so warped by Internet time, they live in an amnesiac Eternal Present. Whether it be the Iraq War, the Nixon Administration, the First French Republic, or the ancient Carthaginians….everything before the Viral Right Now happened in the same undifferentiated blob of The Before Times.


COVID / VaxCult

Culture War / Tribal / Re segregation

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts