

Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • Google, Meta, TikTok defeat Austria's plan to combat hate speech

  • The Tragic Victimhood of "Disinformation Experts"

    Put bluntly, these people lie, but do it in a way that would impress even a politician. In one of the many times I was pestered this year by a mainstream reporter asking why a nice “scholar” like DiResta should be prevented from “just doing research,” I asked him to go back and find out what academic credentials qualified her for “scholar” status (she’s listed as a “research manager”), and to cite another type of “research” that involves flagging content for removal of speech on behalf of an intelligence agency. As my podcast partner Walter Kirn puts it, Stanford’s Observatory is the first one in history that destroys planets.

  • How the GOP muzzled the quiet coalition that fought foreign propaganda

  • Why the fight to counter false election claims may be harder in 2024

    Wilcox, who is a Republican, has had to shift his vocabulary to talk about those falsehoods because others in his party see the term as code for censorship of conservatives. "In Republican circles, 'misinformation' is a dog whistle," Wilcox said. "All of a sudden, man, you got skewered if you even mention the word."

    Experts say a campaign of legal and political pressure from the right has cast efforts to combat rumors and conspiracy theories as censorship. And as a result, they say, the tools and partnerships that tried to flag and tamp down on falsehoods in recent election cycles have been scaled back or dismantled.

    As Nina Jankowicz sees it, the opening salvo came in the spring of 2022, when a right-wing campaign quickly snuffed out a Department of Homeland Security initiative called the Disinformation Governance Board.

  • Microsoft and Meta Detail Plans to Combat Election Disinformation

  • Free speech is still worth fighting for

Pox / COVID / BioTerror AgitProp

  • Open-source drug discovery could help us in the next pandemic

    That was the idea behind the Covid Moonshot, an open-science initiative to develop antivirals against the coronavirus that began back in March 2020 with a Twitter plea for covid drug designs. This week the researchers behind the project published their results in Science. The effort, which relied on more than 200 volunteer scientists from 25 countries, produced 18,000 compound designs that led to the synthesis of 2,400 compounds. One of those became the basis for what is now the project’s lead candidate: a compound that targets the coronavirus’s main viral enzyme.

    • Leaving aside questions of how "open" this effort was as compared to open source software development... "began in March 2020" and "This week published the results" doesn't seem to have been more timely than the more traditional, commercial efforts either.
  • Assessment and Characterization of Covid-19 Related Cognitive Decline

Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

  • The Hollow Men | Ricochet

    The students about whom the professor wrote in the essay linked above have not only been encouraged to devote their time to hoop-jumping, they have also been told again and again that their country and their society are evil – that their ancestors were evil, and their parents are probably evil as well. And that practically all aspects of culture more than five years old, whether traditional songs and folktales or classic movies, are harmful and certainly unworthy of study except for purposes of deconstructing their bad examples. And, of course, relatively few of these students are influenced by or have seriously studied any traditional religion.

  • ‘B’ is for below grade level (and chronically absent).

    Achievement is down and absenteeism is way up, yet report cards show the same grades -- or higher -- as before the pandemic,

Space / Boomy Zoomers / UFO

Crypto con games

  • They halted "dollar" withdrawals 3wk ago Binance to terminate Russian ruble deposits

  • Whatever Happened to NFTs?

  • Why Are We So Obsessed with Sam Bankman-Fried's Parents?

  • The Tragedy of SBF

    With the SBF saga, though, there seems to be a selective amnesia, where all the respectable people now always knew that FTX—and indeed, cryptocurrency, utilitarianism, and Effective Altruism in their entirety—were all giant scams from the beginning. Even if they took no actions based on that knowledge. Even if the top crypto traders and investors, who could’ve rescued or made fortunes by figuring out that FTX was on the verge of collapse, didn’t. Even if, when people were rightly suspicious about FTX, it still mostly wasn’t for the right reasons.

    With only “minor” changes, that is, SBF could still be running a multibillion-dollar cryptocurrency empire to this day, without lying, stealing, or fraud, and without the whole thing being especially vulnerable to collapse. He could have donated his billions to pandemic prevention and AI risk and stopping Trump. He conceivably even could’ve done more good, in one or more of those ways, than anyone else in the world was doing. He didn’t, but he came “close.” The tragedy is all the greater, some people might even say that SBF’s culpability (or the rage we should feel at him, or at fate) is all the greater, because of how close he came.

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making


Health / Medicine