

  • Calling a bureaucrat by its name

    Bureaucrats are so common in Western Civilization they’ve achieved a sort of class consciousness. It’s recognized that HR bureaucrats are a sort of Komissar of an ideology. People mistake this ideology for leftist political views: in reality it is the class politics of the bureaucrat. Actual leftism has different concerns and goals. That’s why so many contemporary “leftists” have weird views which don’t help less fortunate people: it isn’t meant to help poors. It’s meant to serve the interests of upper middle class bureaucrats. Once you see this pattern you can’t unsee it. Bureaucracies create some huge problem, then grow with the excuse they need more people to deal with the problem. Problem never gets solved, but the pyramid grows. People identify various outcroppings of the bureaucrat plague: WEF, various other NGOs, the metastasis of college ‘administrators,’ green ninnies who want us all to eat insects, big pharma, big junk food, the government bureaucracies not obeying lawful commands. I’d posit you can remove any of these problems and nothing will change until you break the class consciousness of the bureaucrat.


Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation