

  • (Feb 2023) Leave Anger Behind - by Bryan Caplan - Bet On It

    Who fears the left? Strangely, the main answer seems to be: leftists. I talk to a wide range of people in academia about left-wing anger and the fear it sustains. As you’d expect, the people who are most outraged by the climate of fear are non-leftists. But the people who personally experience the most fear are leftists themselves. In my private conversations, some of the most boring milquetoast technocratic leftist scholars have grimly foretold that somehow, someday, a mob of their own ideological persuasion will come for them.


Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • Censorship and Conformity - by Dmitry Fadeyev - Falltide

    In a followup experiment, one nonconformist who would always say the right answer was introduced into the groups. The number of participants sticking with the majority fell to just 5%. A single dissenting voice was enough to inspire most people with the confidence to say what they really thought.

    What threatens the authorities is not so much the message, which is so obvious to everyone that words are not even necessary, but the very appearance of dissent. This is why censors seek to “deplatform” people rather than to redact ideas. When someone asserts a position, their stance becomes a part of their identity, even if their words are censored. It thus becomes more important for the censor to remove the messenger from a public platform than to erase his or her message, because their very presence gives others the permission to speak.

  • How Solutions Journalism Is Sparking Change

Trump / War against the Right / Jan6

Pox / COVID / BioTerror AgitProp

TechSuck / Geek Bait

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

Health / Medicine