
  • Our Jan6 Journal is up! Extracts from personal logs for the week of Jan 6 2021; the prequel to these Daily News pages.



Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

  • Computing, You Have Blood on Your Hands! | January 2024 | Communications of the ACM

    "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," goes an old children's rhyme. That rhyme's end must now be revised to "and words can hurt me too." Consider hate speech. ... hate speech is prevalent across the Internet, and it has consequences.

    It is time for all computing professionals to accept responsibility for computing's current state. To use Star Wars metaphors, we once considered computing as the "Rebels," but it turns out that computing is the "Empire." Admitting we have a problem is a necessary first step toward addressing the problems computing has created.

    • sfalphageek @ IP:

    It takes a special combination of arrogance and stupidity for CompSci people to think like this - and I say this as a member of ACM myself. Just because you helped come up with one small piece of the printing press doesn't give you any special insight into what's worth printing. We're technicians, not Platonic priest-kings.

  • Amid surging anti-Semitism, Australia bans Nazi salute, symbols

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

  • Bill Ackman goes scorched earth on MIT and Business Insider after ‘attacks on my family.’

  • The Misguided War on the SAT - The New York Times

    After the Covid pandemic made it difficult for high school students to take the SAT and ACT, dozens of selective colleges dropped their requirement that applicants do so. Colleges described the move as temporary, but nearly all have since stuck to a test-optional policy.

    Research has increasingly shown that standardized test scores contain real information, helping to predict college grades, chances of graduation and post-college success. Test scores are more reliable than high school grades, partly because of grade inflation in recent years.

  • (1926) Gifted Children, by Leta Hollingworth

  • Sharing your science in an opinion piece can boost your career

  • Robert Maxwell was largely responsible for how scientific journal system evolved

    Ian Robert Maxwell MC was a Czechoslovak-born British media proprietor, member of parliament (MP), suspected Mossad spy, fraudster and father of convicted sex offender Ghislaine Maxwell.

    In 1991, Maxwell was forced to sell Pergamon and Maxwell Directories to Elsevier for £440 million to cover his debts

    A bugged version of the intelligence spy software PROMIS was sold in the mid-1980s for Soviet government use, with Maxwell as a conduit.

  • The immediate victims of the con would rather act as if the con never happened. Instead, they’re mad at the outsiders who showed them that they were being fooled

    The sorts of people who will cheat on their research are likely to be the same sorts of people who will instigate lawsuits, start media campaigns, and attack in other ways. These are researchers who’ve already shown a lack of scruple and a willingness to risk their careers; in short, they’re loose cannons, scary people, so it can seem like the safest strategy to not try to upset them too much, not trap them into a corner where they’ll fight like trapped rats.

  • Popular science has failed

    most people don't like science; they just like "cool" images. Hence, a popular biologist's post about genetic influences on IQ can just have an image of the double helix and attract readers, whereas a sociologist's post about the Flynn effect or the statistics indicating that having elder siblings can negatively affect your IQ, are barely noticed. There are simply no "cool" images for such posts. But the main reason is, or could be, that some information can only be really understood by experts, and often not even by them. It may sound elitistic, but it is not. You can't really grasp General Relativity without a hard background in Differential Geometry.

    As of 2024, popular science has failed to make the people more enlightened, and has only given us crude "sciency" (i.e. biological/neuroscientific) parodies of explanations of sociopolitical issues, and bold idiots less willing than ever to question their opinions because they are "backed by science".

AI Will (Save | Destroy) The World

  • The New York Times Launches a Strong Case Against Microsoft and OpenAI

  • Artificial Intelligence’s Threat to Democracy | Foreign Affairs

    the technology won’t introduce fundamentally new risks in the 2024 election - bad actors have used cyberthreats and disinformation for years to try to undermine the American electoral process - it will intensify existing risks. Generative AI in the hands of adversaries could threaten each part of the electoral process, including the registration of voters, the casting of votes, and the reporting of results. In large part, responsibility for meeting this threat will fall to the country’s state and local election officials. For nearly 250 years, these officials have protected the electoral process from foreign adversaries, wars, natural disasters, pandemics, and disruptive technologies.

    But these officials need support, especially because of the intense pressure they have faced since the 2020 election and the baseless allegations of voter fraud that followed it.

    • Since 2020 was the only election in the last 3 decades that was totally without fraud (we're constantly reminded), and there's already concern about the integrity of the upcoming... One might think the parties would be interested securing the next election by pursuing the "low hanging fruit," like over-registrations of voters, mail in ballots, and other practices that tend to reduce confidence in the election results. Verify the machine's code and hardware in public, etc.

Space / Boomy Zoomers / UFO

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania

Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda