

Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering


Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

  • Humane genomics education can reduce racism – Science

    People who endorse genetic essentialism believe that such essences are genetic (4), which leads them to believe that same-race individuals are genetically homogeneous, that races are nonoverlapping genetic groups, and that most racial differences are therefore determined by genes (4).

    Essentialist beliefs are socially dangerous and a biological misconception (1, 2, 4). For example, genetic essentialist beliefs about race facilitate intergroup hostility (5), support for eugenic policies (6), discrimination (4), and disinterest in cross-racial friendships (7). Psychological essentialism also inhibits biology learning because it involves misunderstandings of intraspecific genetic variation (1), such as the erroneous belief that human races are like dog breeds (8). For example, US high school students and adults inaccurately estimate that 37% of human genetic variation exists between racial groups (9), which is similar to the proportion of genetic variation across dog breeds (~27 to 33%) (8), but is 7.4 times more than the genetic variation that exists across human continental populations (~5%)

    • Reference 4 is "I. Dar-Nimrod, S. J. Heine, Psychol. Bull. 137, 800 (2011)"; there's 15 total and they all get multiple links. Arguing on stilts?

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

  • Harvard University Floats $1.65B Upcoming Debt Sale

  • Academics can no longer speak freely

    For many years, left-wing opinion-makers have told us that there is no crisis of free speech in British universities, that the whole idea is a fiction put about by right-wing bigots upset that they can no longer sound off with impunity, or by politicians and journalists intent on stirring up a culture war. To quote Nesrine Malik, writing in the Guardian in 2019, “the purpose of the free-speech-crisis myth is…to blackmail good people into ceding space to bad ideas”. Anyone who works in a university knows that this is balderdash. The crisis in academia is of course a godsend to the right, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t also real and serious. Indeed, it is much more serious than most people realise. High-profile cancellations are what make the headlines, but they are merely the occasional effect of something deeper: the capture of entire sections of the academic bureaucracy by ideological lobbies, which insist on imposing their beliefs on all and sundry. We have seen this sort of thing before.

AI Will (Save | Destroy) The World

Economicon / Business / Finance


Iran / Houthi / Red Sea / Mediterranean

  • Submarine cables linking Africa-Asia-Europe severed

    Update(1440ET): The Houthi military spokesman has explicitly denied any intention to knock out undersea regional internet cables in a fresh Tuesday statement, however, he reiterated that the Iran-linked group's top goal is to block commercial shipping and supplies to Israel. The full statement is as follows, cited in Al Mayadeen news: "We are keen to spare all cables and their services from any risks and to provide the necessary facilities for their maintenance. The decision to prevent the passage of Israeli ships does not include ships belonging to international companies licensed to carry out marine cable work."

    On December 24th, 2023, a Telegram channel linked to the Houthis published a map showing the networks of submarine communications cables in the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Persian Gulf. The image was accompanied by an ominous message: “There are maps of international cables connecting all regions of the world through the sea. It seems that Yemen is in a strategic location, as internet lines that connect entire continents — not only countries—pass near it.”

Health / Medicine

  • Lead-Tainted Applesauce Highlights Failings in Food Safety System - The New York Times

    Cinnamon-flavored applesauce pouches sold in grocery and dollar stores last year poisoned hundreds of American children with extremely high doses of lead, leaving anxious parents to watch for signs of brain damage, developmental delays and seizures. The Food and Drug Administration, citing Ecuadorean investigators, said a spice grinder was likely responsible for the contamination and said the quick recall of three million applesauce pouches protected the food supply. But hundreds of pages of documents obtained by The New York Times and the nonprofit health newsroom The Examination, along with interviews with government and company officials in multiple countries, show that in the weeks and months before the recall, the tainted applesauce sailed through a series of checkpoints in a food-safety system meant to protect American consumers.

  • U.S. Launches Antitrust Investigation of UnitedHealth

  • CBD shown to ease anxiety without the risks that can come with THC

Environment / Climate / Green Propaganda