


  • Roadkill to Become Fair Game in Virginia

    Under Virginia’s current law, for example, “any person driving a motor vehicle who collides with a deer or bear may, upon compliance with the provisions of this section, keep the deer or bear for his own use as if the animal had been killed by that person during hunting season for the animal.” Va. Code § 29.1-539. “Compliance” means that the driver must immediately report the accident, whereupon an officer “shall view the deer or bear” to ensure that it was an accident. If the officer is satisfied, he or she may award the deer or bear to said driver. If HB 1025 passes, it would expand the list of claimable dead animals to include turkeys and elk, and would expand the list of claimants to include not just the driver but anyone who might come along and discover the corpse. Specifically, any person “who discovers a deer, bear, turkey or elk that has been killed in a collision with a motor vehicle” could make the claim in the same way as above. And under new subsection C, if the driver or discoverer “does not claim such animal,” an officer “may award such animal to any other person who wishes to claim it pursuant to this section.”

    In many parts of the state, when a moose is hit by a car or is dispatched, the moose is provided free of charge to charity lists in different areas of the state. You are required to follow salvage and reporting requirements as part of this program. Qualified salvage teams will consist of 2 or more persons 18 years of age or older residing in the geographic area for which you are applying.

    The animal you are called to recover is the “luck of the draw”. Please salvage all that you can. Do not call and ask to be placed at the top of the list because you feel there was not enough meat.

  • Cops Called to 'Willy Wonka Experience' as Crying Children Realize AI Ads Lied

  • A tech billionaire is quietly buying up land in Hawaii. No one knows why

  • Diving in the Shallow End

    there was a "Pay it Forward Train" going on and my order was already paid for. I was then posed the fateful question, "Would you like to pay for the person behind you?" In a dazed state I inquired how much the next order was; after all I was only planning to spend less than $2. It was $45! Now I can be a bit of curmudgeon, but the idea of paying $45 to receive a coffee should be absurd to anyone. Worse, I couldn't even pay for my own order since the ticket was already closed. A true tragedy. Sure, the person in front had charitably paid for me, but that wasn't kindness. It was chaos that left me deciding between paying $45 for a coffee or being the jerk who ended the train.

  • Choosing to Have Kids During the End Times — Stuff George Writes

    My best friend believes that humanity has a 60% probability of becoming extinct in the next 15 years. He’s one of the smartest people I know and is an extremely well-adjusted and high-functioning person. He scoffs at conspiracy theories, doesn’t wear tin foil hats, and has an abiding love of statistics. His belief is terrifying because it derives not from fevered information bubble YouTube binges, but from years of methodical research and predictions. But I don’t need his bleak predictions to feel like the world is ending. I’m apocalyptic enough on my own for that. And now that I have 3 young children, I’m more worried for them than I am for myself. What kind of world did I bring them into? Is it wrong to have kids when you are aware of all the risks? Am I to blame if my children suffer through a world-ending event?

Rank Propaganda / Thought Policing / World Disordering

Trump / War against the Right / Jan6

Pox / COVID / BioTerror AgitProp

  • New research into long Covid could be used to treat other chronic fatigue issues

  • Where Did Covid Come From? (Archive)

    In the four years since the SARS-CoV-2 virus was unleashed on the world, data have steadily accumulated supporting the hypothesis that it emerged from a laboratory. The latest information, released last month, makes a formidable case that the virus is the product of laboratory synthesis, not of nature.

    This startling fact will probably take some time to sink into the national consciousness, given the mainstream media’s sustained inability to report the issue objectively. Editors have failed to think beyond the extreme politicization that requires liberals to oppose the lab-leak hypothesis. Science journalists are too beholden to their sources to suspect that virologists would lie to them about the extent of their profession’s responsibility for a catastrophic pandemic.

Religion / Tribal / Culture War and Re-Segregation

  • White supremacy is so normalized people don’t see it, British scholar warns – Baptist News Global

    few white Christians flinched at the claim that Jesus called European and American Christians to travel the globe to oppress brown- and Black-skinned people, he said, explaining that a Christianity suffused with white supremacy enabled plantation owners in the American South to see no contradiction between their faith and owning other human beings. “They saw people who are other as inferior and that it was OK to kill or enslave them for their own good.” Those attitudes clearly continue to exist and in the U.S. are evident in the rise of Trumpism, the British scholar said. “Here’s the thing about white supremacy: its evil genius is to convince poor people that rich, white folk really care about them, and their enemy is not those who have created a system that will exploit them, but the immigrants and other minorities who are taking the little they have.”

  • The Political Effects of Neoliberalism - LPE Project

    Specifically, when it comes to distributional policies, we find that less-educated individuals prefer “predistribution” policies. The divide by education on these policies—with the less educated much more strongly in favor than the more educated—is large and for the most part unchanged during the past 80 years. By contrast, support for redistribution policies exhibits no similar education gap, and, in fact, we often find greater support for such policies among more educated voters.

    In summary, we argue that the Democratic Party’s economic policy shifts have played a significant role in the partisan realignment that has occurred in the United States over the past few decades. Indeed, we find that roughly half of the party’s realignment toward better-educated voters can be attributed to voters’ perceptions of the party’ economic policies. One important upshot of this work—and perhaps one reason it is been underappreciated to date—is that voters draw important distinctions between policies that might appear similar in terms of their effects on economic inequality. While law and economics scholars, such as Kaplow and Shavell, have argued that law and policy should be conducted with the aim of maximizing aggregate efficiency, with egalitarian concerns relegated to the tax and transfer system, parties that take this message to heart should not be surprised if they lose less-educated, working-class voters.

  • Less Utilitarian Than Thou - by Scott Alexander

    The normal popular politics actions are mostly about manipulating a narrative, promoting an ideology or suppressing dissent. This all feels so normal to people (who might themselves want to promote an ideology, or who are at least used to other people wanting to) that it isn’t scary, and it doesn’t feel like the dreaded “doing an evil thing for the greater good”. It’s not especially moral, or especially calculated, so people let it pass - even though, if you forced them to consider the question explicitly, they would say that saving lives is a more compelling goal than manipulating a narrative is.

Edumacationalizing / Acedemia Nuts

AI Will (Save | Destroy) The World

Economicon / Business / Finance

Gubmint / Poilitcks / Law Making

External Security / Militaria / Diplomania


Russia Bad / Ukraine War


  • China Announces Name of Spacecraft Landing Crew on Moon.

    t’s a highly ambitious plan, but given the country’s progress — including becoming the first to land a spacecraft on the far side of the Moon in 2019 — it may just have a shot at pulling off its goal of returning astronauts to the lunar surface by 2030.